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Banned !

Started by Aragon907, May 27, 2013, 01:04:27 AM

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I got spoky banned for no reason?

Unban me: Aragon907


Everyone on the staff team knows that your IP was associated with the Animator account, as well as the one you listed as "PuppyPaw," as you currently have no permission to use that account according to my knowledge. PuppyPaw left the server a while ago, and isn't from Sweden, so currently every time that account is logged in with another IP without any proof of use, each IP will be banned from the server.

If you can find some sort of proof about the account being able to be associated with your  IP, please contact a moderator or post in this thread, as well as the assoctiation with the Animator account.


Animator is my friend in real life
I know he is for real
He is my neighbor
Puppypaw is Aragon's brother
Aragon's brother get PuppyPaw Account from the'' real'' PuppyPaw