Our server is now hosted.
You may join at We're still setting up some things and it'll be a while before we're at our full capacity, but feel free to join us at MultiCraft.
If anyone has any problems joining the server, please send me a PM on the forums and we'll see what we can do to rectify the situation.
The main world, the main world nether, and the main world end have all been setup. If you find any bugs, please inform us.
I'm creating the survival world right now
FORUMS: http://z13.invisionfree.com/MultiCraftCommunity/index.php?
~ Wolf
You may join at We're still setting up some things and it'll be a while before we're at our full capacity, but feel free to join us at MultiCraft.
If anyone has any problems joining the server, please send me a PM on the forums and we'll see what we can do to rectify the situation.
The main world, the main world nether, and the main world end have all been setup. If you find any bugs, please inform us.
I'm creating the survival world right now
FORUMS: http://z13.invisionfree.com/MultiCraftCommunity/index.php?
~ Wolf