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Luxey's Citizen Application!

Started by Luxey, August 24, 2013, 04:54:24 AM

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Hey guys and girls! Here's my Citizen application, hopefully it meets the requirements! :D

IGN: Luxey

Time played on the server: I'm not entirely sure how long I've played on the server for, but I'd say I started around August the 7th so..about 2 weeks and a few days! When I play on the server, I'm normally on for around...2-3 hours working on different projects. :)

Reason why I want this rank: I love building! Currently, I'm building an underground home, but its rather large and it is becoming harder and harder to collect the materials necessary to build it. While I think collecting my own materials is fun, I'm mainly focused on finishing my house, and it would be done much faster if I was able to spawn items into the game! Also, I've heard many things about the Survival world and I've just been itching to join a faction and check everything out! There's no doubt in my mind that I'll continue playing on the server for a long time as I throughly enjoy the server and its friendly players!

The pictures of my semi-underground home:

The whole house was built/landscaped by me, but Bobby had helped me fill in the water on the inside since it would have taken ages to fill it in myself as a lowly Guest. :P Thanks to all the other mods and admins that helped me to protect it too! I would like to thank eryx_w for taking me into his home when I first joined the server! Anyway, as you can see from this images above, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done on my home! If anyone wants to see the house in game, just tpa to me and you'll be able to check it out!

If there's anything that needs to be added into my Citizen application, just tell me and I'll change it! ^-^

Thanks for reading! :D
