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[GUIDE] Trade Signs

Started by iTroll, November 10, 2012, 01:00:13 PM

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Hello there people! A lot of people don't know how to create a trade sign (for selling) so here you go!

Step 1

Create a sign. On the first line simply type in [Trade]

Step 2

Press enter to skip to line 2. On this line put the price people will pay for each amount they buy (the amount will be placed in line 3.)
Example: $25

Step 3

Go down to line 3. This is where it gets tough.
First off put the amount of the item people will buy each time. Let's use 1 for example.
Then put a space. Then put the item name or id (ids can be found at
For this example, I'll use flower.

Then put a colon ( : ) and following the colon place the amount of the item you have in the inventory.
So let's say I have 2 flowers. It would look like

1 flower:2

Then you can click done and voila! You're done.


Some notes and advice.

1) Let's say you want to add the item with id 17:1.
Put a ; instead of the :.
You may also use a ".".

for example 17;1 or 17.1 would be the item's id, the rest of the sign would remain the same.

2) Some people often wonder why there is a :0 in the trade sign and mimic it when they're creating a trade sign, resulting in failure. DO NOT INCLUDE THE :0 IN THE TRADE SIGN! It occurs automatically to represent the value of the money your trade sign has accumulated.

3) To collect money from a trade sign, right click it. To restock an item, hold the item and right click it (this will also collect the money.)

Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D


nice tutorial. This will help many people :D

------------------------------------------------------------Behold, the formation from a Crafting table to the pigman :o. The crafting table must have created us all, each in different individuals.


Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D


Thanks Troll, I'm sure that's a great help to anyone who didn't know already, I'll sticky it
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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Thanks the id list is very helpful.


can one of you help me please? :/


Quote from: hunterbonx on March 18, 2013, 05:25:46 PM
can one of you help me please? :/
Did you put your name on the last space, If so it won't work.


Quote from: hunterbonx on March 18, 2013, 05:25:46 PM
can one of you help me please? :/

What is is that doesn't work, Can you go into a little more detail and I'd be happy to help you.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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Web hosting kindly provided by Darkfire


 :) ;) :D ;D I like this tutorial its easy!!!!


Quote from: David on April 27, 2013, 10:33:40 PM
For Clear information

                                                            [Trade] <---- What kind of sign
                                      How much ---->    0$
How many you want the sign to give-----> 1:dirt:64 <-----How many you will stack in the sign                                                     ^
              What kind of item (If the item's name is too long use Numeric way)

No Need to put your name down.
You can put the name of the item or just the numeric way,
to be more easy just copy the one I have written and paste it
by pressing Ctrl + V = Paste then you edit, put what you want to sell.

P.S: Thanks iTroll for the website of item ids :D

This is already explained in tutorial, this post is pretty useless.

Signature by: TriickyzTrix



Signature by: TriickyzTrix

My Shoe Wanker

I must say iTroll.
I've never had to use these [Trade] signs but, I've needed to use it lately for my shop, and this tutorial is very helpful.
Hopefully I can remember how to make a trade sign off by heart soon.
But Thank iTroll <3


This does not work, it says invalid sign.