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Minecraft server lawyer

Started by allanski, August 21, 2013, 02:59:42 AM

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If you have been charged for something you didn't  do than talk to me.
If you are a victim talk to me.
If you want to expand someones charge or make it smaller talk to me.
  I am here I will fight for justice.
  Any problems talk to me.

Q.How do I get to court.
A.  You do /Warp court or else you can find it in /warp allanskitown.


Allanski, any player that has an issue with a punishment should speak with staff and we will deal with it appropriately. If they talk to you, and you talk to us about it we will bist wish to speak with the player in question anyway. What exactly are you trying to achieve here? Only thing that I can think of would be if they don't speak English, however this post is also in English.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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