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Thanks to Shadowz!

Started by TheDarkWolf, May 30, 2013, 06:20:57 AM

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This isn't really a help and support issue, but it has to do with help I received from Shadowz.

First off, I really want to thank him. He went out of his way to help me when he didn't have to.

The trouble I had, was that I had declared a residence, but all of my chests and doors and stuff stopped working. Basically, I couldn't place blocks or do anything on a house I'd just made. So, he came and offered up help to see if we could resolve the issue. Neither of us could figure out what was wrong.

So, I decided to remove my residency at that house and I asked him to use World Edit to remove it (since he was Elite rank), since it was now basically useless. He did so after making absolutely sure that's what I wanted and helped to resolve the dilemma.

He's a really great guy, and I promised him I'd post up my opinion today on the forums.

Thanks, Shadowz!


Thanks for him for helping you. Can someone move this topic to other. Thanks. :)

Signature by: Builder Stephen


There is problem with res, you see my ign is HanSolo, so if I login with hansolo res won't recognize me, maybe that was the problem

Signature by: TriickyzTrix