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Messages - vrsa

Other games / Re: MY FAVOURITE GAME.
August 13, 2013, 10:30:19 PM
Any one now release of this game ?
Other games / CS 1.6
August 13, 2013, 05:21:40 PM
Any of you play Counter Strike 1.6 ??
I now its old (about 10 years lol) ,  but still awesome game ;D



14 .

Current Rank

About 150-160 (i didnt play on a kaise for a long time).

How long have you played for
I play on this server for 2-3 months

Why i want to be builder
I want to be a builder cause  i love this server , i am an amazing builder , i never grief not protected houses and i help other players .

Special thanks to...
Admin and Moderator team for protecting my houses and special thanks to my friend "GODOFWAR" for helping me at second house (the white one) .

Thank for taking a time to read my application.
i would put more pictures of these buildings but 6 is max  :(
Builder Applications / i want to become BUILDER !!
July 21, 2013, 08:11:47 AM
Hi ,
my IGN is "vrsa" , i am 14 year old playing on this server for 2-3 months .
I want to become builder cause i love this server and i can be useful ...
Take a look on this pics :

Citizen Applications / Re: i want to become CITIZEN
July 18, 2013, 06:39:06 PM
Quote from: Smoove on July 18, 2013, 12:30:59 PM
Please add a reason why you want citizen.
I can be very useful on a kaise , i help people ,im not griefing other houses...
Citizen Applications / i want to become CITIZEN
July 18, 2013, 12:18:09 PM
I want to become a citizen becasue i made one awesome Church !!
The moderator TheDarkWolf already saw building and he say i have big chance for citizen  :D...
(sorry for my bad english)