Hey guys, I just want to thank you all for the support, kindness, and helpfulness you have shown towards me as well as the server for the past 3 years. It's been an absolute blast working with all of you, and I wish you all success with your IRL lives along with your in game endeavours. The reason for my resignation is that I've just been getting more and more busy, I kind of want to focus more on my real life rather than be gaming for the majority of the day, I think there are others who could do more/would do a great job if they were at my position, and I feel like I'm no longer as happy as I used to be when I played on the server. I still love helping players and do my best to serve them, but I don't think I'm interested in Minecraft as much as I used to be. I'll probably come on the server and play on it from time to time, but I definitely feel like someone else could make a better use of Level 6 than me. I won't bother the Level 7s with demotions or anything since they're pretty busy haha I can demote myself in game and on the forums as well. I've had many amazing experiences with all of you, and I'll remember all the jokes between us. It's been a lot of fun, and I'm incredibly happy to have met you all. It was an absolute pleasure working and becoming friends with everyone! Peace guys.