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CSI3 Mod Application

Started by CSI2, May 30, 2013, 08:47:39 PM

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Luka Ivić





Power Level:



Croatia (Europe)


I've been playing on the server for almost 6 months now. I play in the server for 15 hours every day (lets just say I have too much time on my hands). There was even a time when I was the only player on the server for about 1 hour. I was the second player to achieve the new "Engineer" Rank.  I enforce and follow the rules and guidelines of the server. I don't want to PVP or start and if I get into a fight, I just want to prevent it. I do my best to help other players.

Activity before Kaisecraft:

I have played a lot of servers (BattleCraft,Metrocraft,JakovCraft,SarmaCraft...) before I joined KaiseCraft.

Old kaisecraft:

Sadly, I was not able to join the old KaiseCraft Server.I didn't play on it :/.


I have used WorldEdit before in my Single Player worlds. I know nearly everything about Residence. I can easily learn how to use it and what commands I can use. Even though I have forgotten most of the commands in World Edit, I can easily re- learn them and research about them. I know how to create and lock Topics in the Forums.

Some Commands that I know for World Edit:


Some commands that I know for Core Protect:

[spoiler]/co help
/co inspect
/co rollback (Used to fix griefs)
/co restore (Used to undo rollbacks)[/spoiler]

Some commands that I know for Residence:

[spoiler]/res select expand 255
/res create
/res delete
/res remove
Some commands that I know for World Guard:

/stoplag -c[/spoiler]

Some commadns that i know for region:

[spoiler]/region define [id] [owner1] [owner2] [etc.]
/region claim [id]
/region delete [id]
/region add owner
/region add member
/region flag [id] pvp deny
/region flag [id] pvp -w[world name] deny[/spoiler]

Some players that I've met:

CrimsonTornado (Red)
BlueStar5 (BlueCop)
iTroll (Before He resigned)

And my friends:                                                                                                                                                           


I am kinda well known. When it comes to serious occasions, such as griefs, spams, steals, etc, I always enforce the rules of the server. I always do my best to help. If I cant do it, I ask the help of others to help me.  I am playing MineCraft about 4 years. Having worked on multiple servers as either Moderator or Administrator, I believe I have the ability and experience of becoming a Moderator on KCV2.

Time zone:

UTC/GMT +1 hour (when is 07:00 in Australia (Sydney), here in Croatia is 21:00)

Forums Knowledge:

I was a former Administrator on my friends server  forums and have been pretty active. I know all basic of Moderatoring for the forums..     


I love to play football i play in NK Cehi(that is club in Zagreb).i love bascetball to.I love to play computer games i spend 8-16 hours on day playing computer.I love watching favourite film is Lord oft he rings.I love listening to music i listen pop,rock and jazz.when i am not at school and when i dont play minecraft i fight with my brother :D.

Additional information:

I am 15 years old and from the Croatia.. My friend, FBI is my classmate here in the Croatia. I can speak Croatian and English but only a little German. If I'm not online, I'm probably int he school  or just sleeping. I have 2 brothers but no sisters. I am very funny and interesting person. I have iphone 5 and ps3. I have dog Lili,she is very pritty dog :P. My favourite serial is Two and a half man.

Why I want this rank:

I want this rank mostly because I like helping people out. Most of the time, when I'm online, I see people asking for help because they have been griefed or some other problem and there are no Moderators there to help. I would also like to spawn a few more items that I need to make a few large  Builds that I have been thinking of. Players also kinda complain about the Time and the rain or snow on the server, I really want to help them out, all I need it Moderator. There are also some builds that I need help with (World Edit), But the Moderators are busy so I need to do it myself. My friends need help beacous they want to be builders or engineers.Thay always ask Moderator for protecting and help with WorldEdit but sometimes Moderators are not online so none can help them.

I hope that You will approve me as a Moderator   :P


Didn't saw you on server for a long. You aren't active on Forum. But steel you have big knowledge and you are helpful. NEUTRAL
KCv2 Moderator


You must put spoiler in commands and you must not put players do you met because it makes your app bigger in nonsense thing.
-No Support

Signature by: Builder Stephen


If you take away all those commands your app is pretty short, and i am sure they are looking for people 15 yo +

No support



The spaces between the section of your app has big spaces making your app bigger. Second, you must 15= to be mod.
-No Support

Signature by: Builder Stephen


And third,you dont need to reply on every topic.
KCv2 Moderator


Quote from: VIPER1302 on May 31, 2013, 06:08:48 AM
And third,you dont need to reply on every topic.
I am not replying on every topic. I am just active when it comes to staff applications, helps, others. I am not a staff to do that.

Signature by: Builder Stephen



Quote from: Stephen on May 31, 2013, 06:12:22 AM
Quote from: VIPER1302 on May 31, 2013, 06:08:48 AM
And third,you dont need to reply on every topic.
I am not replying on every topic. I am just active when it comes to staff applications, helps, others. I am not a staff to do that.

Stephen, the things that you have pointed out mean nothing, it's a mere judgement. I do not want you starting an arguement on someone application. Yes it's helpful that you are pointing things out, but not things that mean nothing when just looking at an application.

Right, CSI the app is very good, although i could need more information about yourself and why you would like to obtain the rank.

poop comes out of my butt


Thanks for support dargene :P



Thanks for your support bdon1717


iLiviDzZ i put more info about me so take a look :P


Change my minds. He edit new informations and he is online more. From me big support!!
KCv2 Moderator