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Messages - Devyl78

Help & Support / UNBAN APPEAL
September 12, 2013, 09:06:13 AM
My account, Devyl78 is banned and i dont know why. it worked prior to the 1.6.2 update..and i havent been able to log on since it came out. Someone tell me what happened and how to fix it or fix it for me and lemme know if all my stuff is still out there? plz
Help & Support / Re: Whats the Ban Hammer?
September 12, 2013, 09:02:57 AM
If im banned because of my name, was i alloweed to use it before this 1.6.2?
I havet been on , not even once since the update and im already banned? How does that work? i dont have any cheating software, i downloaded it from the link provided and tried to log on like i used to, to see if my stuff was still there.. and im banned.
Help & Support / Whats the Ban Hammer?
September 04, 2013, 02:18:37 AM
Whats the Ban Hammer and why cant i get onto any server?
Other Minecraft Help / Re: What Mods Work?
June 20, 2013, 08:58:36 AM
Other Minecraft Help / What Mods Work?
June 19, 2013, 10:51:39 AM
What mods, other than the ones already installed, can i add?
I added simply horses 1.5.2 and furniture mod 2.8.4...but i wanna see the explosives mods or tnt mods or some of the many others, but i cant seem to get past the black screen after MOJANG. ive read the forums and tried the manager addons, sanadreas modforge..i still either get the Done Loading screen with a lil space after the green bar or the black screen that lasts well into sleep mode. Sometimes i get an error telling me i have duplicate mods installed one in a folder and the other a zip. i cant seem to locate a topic that lists what mods work and which wont.  Any help would be great.
Aprox. 7 hrs, 20 min. ago i was banned for 3 days. no warning or reason why. WTF? Flying? Dropping WiFi? Playing MC?
Someone, please inform me as to what happened and why i cant log in.
Help & Support / noob Alert
May 24, 2013, 06:59:01 AM
i cant find how to allow anyone into my house or chests, i cant get the lockette to work. someone, anyone who knows how in the simplest fashion, email or respond, please and thank you.