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I need your help Kaise with donating

Started by shuff, June 13, 2013, 11:18:29 PM

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kaise,when i donated,i used a PIC master card witch contain 58 dollars, when i did pay, they told me [you cant use this card for donating, please use another card].
kaise if i send you on my email the number of this card,you can donate for me and my friend mohamad1965 from this card?
Thank you.
Edit:why should we write all our information in the donating?it will be easy if we just give the card number and our username.
One more thing:i am from lebanon and in the donating,there is no lebanon.


For the guys that dont know what a PIC is its Prepaid Internet Card

Also, where did you bought it?
PS: Did you tried buying something else?


I just tried to buy the elite rank .
In game,i did /buy 1, i followed the instructions and they told me that i cant use this card.
In, i also tried and they put me the same thing.


You need to use a valid credit card or alternative, anything that PayPal will accept. You can't send me the code for it, As you should never distribute codes for cards like that, And also because I can't use it. You need to get something like a PrePaid visa card in order to donate.
Skype: kaiwaugh1
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