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Matt_IZ application

Started by night_fury1, May 06, 2014, 10:36:55 PM

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hi everyone , my name is nathaniel christianto gosti , im Night_Fury's brother
sorry for using Night_Fury's forums account , cause my daddy not allowed to use my email to register

my ign is Matt_IZ

ive been playing since september 2013

why u wanna be a builder ?

well , i wanna be a builder cause :

1.i wanna play in survival world , with a lot of command like making faction , and modify it
2.more rank maybe will become more respect
3.i really wanna join DarkAngel faction

for this application , ive made a small house ..
i bought the materials from Fury's skyshop , and at the public mall

this is the screen shot :

thanks for your attention


You state you want to be a builder in your application, but this is a citizen application. The text is a little poor, but I understood it and will take it as is. Congratulations. :)

Also, not sure what the deal is with the email thing, as Fury can register his. o.o Parents, pfft. :P