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banned for thinking i was xraying

Started by briantran3, July 22, 2013, 10:13:41 AM

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i was joking that iw as xraying and i was just trolling choclate and them  and then they didnt belive that i was joking T-T cause i got diamond aromur in survival


You were not joking, You have Xray.  >:(


I don't see a ban report? If any mod sees this, find out why he is banned or why there's no ban report (I still have no Internet-_-) thanks.
Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D


I was the one that banned him, and I was also the one that locked his other topic so we wouldn't be getting a bunch of this ^^^.

Chocolate says you were, Yellow says you do, and me and Leon are both witnesses to you confessing not once, but twice while on the server. The second time was after we asked.

--- Locked.


Unlocked for now as I would enjoy seeing some actual evidence of him x-raying (something more than him just saying it in the chat). If no additional screenshots are provided, he will be unbanned within 1 day, rather than being immediately unbanned as he kinda incessantly pestered me about this topic.

Since there were no screenshots posted, he will be unbanned.