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Messages - AOCreation

thank you bobbert.
so uh... yeah im a peaceful faction that is suppose to be helping people get back on their feet after being raided. i want to know how close to spwan is actually OK to claim and build and if we do claim it how much damage would it cause for people trying to spawn to survival? (im an inquisitive guy so sue me :P)
Citizen Applications / Dracos123's Citizen Application
February 16, 2014, 01:49:51 PM
(Yes its an alt account please dont hold it against me.)
Dracos123's Citizen App

- Your In Game Name: Dracos123
- How long you have played for: A few days possibly 2 weeks
- Reasons why you want this rank: to build bigger and better things and also to join a Faction.
- A picture of your building.: Its a Simple build comprised of:
Quartz: Block, stair, pillar, and chisled
Netherbrick: Block
Birch wood: stairs, planks, slabs
Dark Oak wood: Planks, and Slabs

(Click on image to see a bigger image)

I do not have another pic as the back side of the building is very boring :P.
I am happy that you are looking at this.
hoping you all are healthy and well,
Kaise123's Minecraft Client / IDK if you can do this
February 09, 2014, 11:27:48 AM
well i dont know if you can do this but if you could find a way where you just click the auto update button to make it update all of the list so that all the newer kaise updates area available that would be nice because last time i did the force update on your client i only got to 1.5.2
Staff Feedback / Re: Wolf has passed baroom!
February 09, 2014, 10:51:10 AM
I like wolfey and he is a good Moderator and will make a good administrator but baroom has always helped everyone that asks even if she is mad or disappointed at them for some reason. i am happy for wolf and for baroom because now she doesnt have to bear the responsibility herself :) i know you both will be great and i hope to see you both online for as long as your interested in the server
Denied Staff / AOCreation's Moderator App
February 05, 2014, 07:39:52 AM
AOCreation's Moderator Application

Hello its me AOCreation, i know some have been anticipating this app, and others were indifferent, and i hope no one was dreading this app but... Here it goes

IGN: AOCreation
Current Rank: Engineer
Current length on server: over 7 months (i believe its been longer but can't be sure)

- You need to be well-liked in the community, have a positive attitude and enjoy helping people
I have never had any complaints about anything i have done and i consider a good portion of people online as friends or good acquaintances.

- You need to have Skype, and will be added to the Staff chat.
My skype is archangel_of_Creation

- You need to be reasonably competent with using the forums (Know how to create, lock, modify topics and posts, and also have some basic knowledge of BBCode)
i have owned my own forums and guilds on a site called

- You need to have good english skills, so that you can communicate clearly with players. While we understand that English may not be your first language, you may need to reconsider your application if you cannot communicate clearly in English.
english is my primary language and have been speaking it for 18 years (if you dont count the years before school)

- You need to have a decent understanding of WorldGuard and WorldEdit, and understand how to use Residence and CoreProtect.
i have a decent understanding of the //copy and //paste commands and //sphere commands i dont know much about WorldGuard and WorldEdit but am more than willing to learn and i am a very fast learner when it comes to commands.

- You need to be active on the forums for a consistent period of 2-3 weeks.
well its not been consistant but i try to be on every day for at least 15 minutes

- Have a SECURE account! If you do not have a secure account and are prone to being hacked/having your account stolen, then your chances of being moderator will be greatly decreased. If you are a current moderator and your account is stolen, there is a good chance you will be demoted.
my account has never been hacked and it has never been stolen.

well thats all the info that i think you need. if you need references to my niceness or to my character as a whole please feel free to ask around online.

as for my builds i would be more than happy to take you of a tour of all 11 of my /home's and if your interested ill show you the /home test sites. as far as commands go i am decent at almost every command but i still need some training and i am willing to learn before you make me a mod and even if you dont make me a mod i would still like to learn about it with someone who i can ask questions and get answers... (internet only gives you so much information, you cant place value on experience.)

so if you wanna contact me ill be on the forums as much as i can and ill be on minecraft as much as i can and ill be available on skype as much as i can
Mods and Launchers / MOD SUGGESTION PLEASE READ!!!!
January 29, 2014, 10:09:43 PM
this mod is very interesting, it add TONS of mobs with many different things to catch and train and you even get different weapons and stuff. its a great mod and i would love to see it in Kaise. here is the link

yes its on youtube because i want you to see it.
here is the link to the ACTUAL mod

Hope you consider it thanks for your time
LoneApostle **AOCreation
OMG!!! thank you thank you thank you thank you
BEST DAY EVER!!! phew... now i have to make my 300x300 city :P

than you for your decision and thank you for your consideration.
IGN: AOCreation

Faction Name: LoneApostles

Number in faction (at the moment of this application): 5 (including myself)

i built this faction origionally as a mercenary faction that helps others for money, every time i set up a faction it gets raided. the first time it was raided by TheDarkWolf and another person, then it was raided by another faction (i think it was the sith.)  but then i stopped for a while. then i finally got a really good faction started that had an obsidian tower and a farm and only 2 others in the faction with me. then i lost the use of my laptop due to a virus and it took a while to get it back. after i got back on i found that my faction was disbanded and my obsidian tower was left to fend for itself. and now finally i have built a nice large tower with cobblestone and had a good thing going and i currently have 5 members including myself but before i could even finish my tower or my farms or my other areas i get raided and my stuff was stolen by TheEmpire. But i digress, here are the reasons why i wish to become a peaceful faction:
1. I have been raided Too many times as i have been starting out and i want it to stop.
2. I wish to build a Utopia for all of the factions so that when they are raided they have a place to go to regroup and then go back out and start again.
3. It wasn't until after i was raided the first time that i decided to be a mercenary faction. i wanted to start out as a building faction. someone who would help build bases and other areas and get paid for our services. then i was raided. i would like to make my structures for those who want to build and not worry about having TheEmpire or TheSithLords or any others to come over a hill and wipe out their faction in less than 3 minutes.
4. I dont like PVP or Violence
5. i hate bullys
6. if given this opportunity to be a peaceful faction i intend to make the best city in survival with a large wall around it and a toll booth at the front and east and west gates (a small fee of 2 Diamonds granting protection from those who would be after them.)
we would not allow any hostile faction members into the city and anyone who becomes violent would be dealt with by our guards and sent back to spawnand their items would be placed in a chest in our city and when they come to retrieve their items we would bring them to the front gate and give them back but would not allow them into our city again until they are no longer hostile.

If you wish to question me more please send me a message on FB at Ethan Frazer
(the guy in the sunglasses and fidora and wearing a blue jean coat.)

thank you for looking at this app, i know you will be fair in your assessment in my worthiness as a faction
ok I would like to say I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU ALL!!!

my laptop has windows 8 and I downloaded a game from an unregistered site and the thing I downloaded had a virus that deleted a subprogram in the operating system and caused my laptop to not stay on for more than about 3 minutes, so after a long and arduous task of getting a new operating system I have windows 8 back on my laptop and it runs great... except now I cannot play Minecraft due to the fact that my computer no longer has all of its drivers so I have to spend more money to fix that. so I may be offline for another 5 or 6 days until I get paid.

Hoping to see you soon XD
AOCreation, AKA
Diazo Reva Figero
Rank: Engineer
Other / Just showing off :)
October 31, 2013, 09:58:36 PM
please not that this is NOT a build i did in this server it was done in a seperate server but think you all deserve to see it seeings as most of you are my friends

please note i am doing this as a tribute to the kaise server and if Kai would like i WILL advertise by putting a sign on  my build somewhere so they can see it and so they can join our server :) thank you and goodnight

Help & Support / HELP!!
October 29, 2013, 02:35:20 AM
Hey i need help. at /warp AOxpFarm my spawners are not spawning so the xp farm of my mall is pretty much useless XD if you could have someone check it out and see if it is broken or if i need to  reset it that would be awesome.
Denied Staff / Re: Bunni : Applying for Moderator (X2)
October 20, 2013, 06:07:02 AM
can we please eliminate the language and the hate. she asked for constructive critisizm not to be verbally attacked. so again if you please either edit your post or apologise for saying it i would be appriciative. it makes me feel uncomfortable that anyones application can be met with such hostility that one of the mods/Sr.mods (meaning they should have more respect and be more responsible) can openly berate a player and have no one correct it.
Denied Staff / Re: Bunni : Applying for Moderator (X2)
October 20, 2013, 01:59:27 AM
AOCreation's review of Bunni4Life

I know that i am not a moderator and you all will probably ignore this but i have spent some time with bunni learning what she is like while a builder and here are a list of observations that i have seen while you all were offline or unavailable :

she loves helping people when she can and if she can.

she places the value of the players higher than herself and does what she can to make new players feel welcome.

she tries to solve problems that players have and tries to do it as quickly and as right as possible.

in her off time she has been trying to learn the commands because she has had an issue with them before.

she has been building amazing builds because she wants to and not because someone has asked her to.

she tries to get on as often as she can so that she can help others and show her support for the server.

(as a personal note)
to me she has shown a growing maturity, whereas she isnt perfect (but honestly who is?) she is alot more mature than when she started. she is also looking for friends because she enjoys playing the server with friends. in my own personal opinion she has learned her lesson and she is only trying to prove herself to the staff members (that never are online when she is, but she understands that you all have a life and that you cant always be online when she is) that she is mature and worthy enough to become a mod again.

so for me (again you will probably ignore this) i think she should be a mod again as a probationary rank until you deem her worthy of advancement or until you deem her unworthy of advancement.

Thank you for reading this (or not) and i cannot wait to see you all on the server
AOCreation's Redstone Builds
(Forgive the bad url pics, they should work now, but you cant see them uless you click on them)

egg hatchery
Pig Masher
4x2 door
Elevator (doesnt work due to server lag)
Self fixing house

(WOW that took forever, i hope you like it baroom i redid my paragraph for the reason i wanna be an engineer and i reposted all the pics above, but you still have to click on them to see them XD at least you CAN see them)