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Apply for engineer

Started by ~VIPER~, May 02, 2013, 09:18:12 PM

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Tricky thank for support!! :)
KCv2 Moderator


Do I need to put more pictures????
KCv2 Moderator


Once again, Can you try to improve the text part of your application please :) It's close, But if you could format it better into paragraph/dot point style and work on fixing some of your grammar errors, then that would be wonderful. Thanks
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Should I put more informations??
KCv2 Moderator


Hi,Minecrafters. This is my second repair of my first Engineer apply and I hope that this is the last one. So here we go. My I.G.N. is VIPER1302. I am playing on your server since January and I had a great time.  My power level for now is 308. My current rank is Builder. I am a Builder for two weeks. In that two weeks I learn a lot. I have also helped to many people. I helped to them in constraction of their builds and things,I tryed to learn them some spawns. Now what I want is become better and bigger,but and heavier rank,which is Engineer. In the two weeks that I have mentioned,I build a quite big number of contraptions. My contraptions are ofcourse made of redstone dust. All my contraptions are working very well. If you want you can see tham in server.  I also gave you some pictures of them. But sometimes I had problem about their constraction. That problem has been a failure of my spawns. I couldn't spawn some things as hopper,sticky piston,repeators,lever,redstone blocks,lamps and etc. What I like about redstone is a fact that it can moves things and it makes your Minecraft life easier. When I would be Engineer I would try to upgrade your server on better as much as I would can. I will also try to make more better contraptions ofc with redstone. I will also try to improve some players and their way of game. I also going to improve some my things in my way of play. I'l be very happy when administrators will conside about my request. Thank you for reading this and I hope you are going to like it.
KCv2 Moderator


Now that guy,help me a lot and gave me a lot of things. So from me support!!!df


ADIDAS thank you for your support!
KCv2 Moderator


Nice builds and reason,support!!!


Thank you VRBA for support!!
KCv2 Moderator


This Application for Engineer will be accepted, if you provide more complex redstone creations.


Some pictures..
KCv2 Moderator


Very nice guy,he helped me build some buildings~Support~


I now him from game. He gave me a lot of things. I personaly saw that builds.


Quote from: James on May 10, 2013, 01:50:31 AM
He gave me a lot of things
Are you aware that he is not allowed to give away spawned things

Signature by: TriickyzTrix


I am. But he gave me things while he was guest. I am still guest on this account because I lost my password from my past account. I just want support him and thats all.