
Forums are back up, but many custom plugins and theming has been lost. If I get the time, I'll try and fix it back up - Kaise123

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Topics - xXRoboJackXx

I have requested a plugin to be made on the website "Bukkit", however the only way any plugin devs would make it is if quite a few people support the idea.. So I ask the Kaisecraft community to go on bukkit, go to this:
And comment saying something like:
"I would really like this plugin as well, it seems like it would be a cool thing to have in my server"
And also vote "Yes" on the poll....
I find it could be a nice thing to have for a little something I have planned for this server (If Kai allows it ;)) and it will be the most useful on the server I am creating with a few others you may know.

(Try to not mention that you know me though ;) That will make people want to make it less if people know I asked people to support it)

If you do I'll love you all forever <3 (More than I already do)

But I don't want you lot to do it if you don't like the idea, if you don't like it then you don't have to support it :)
General Info / MOVED: The NOPE! message
January 28, 2014, 07:38:57 AM
This topic has been moved to Help & Support.

Sorry I posted it in the wrong area...
Help & Support / The NOPE! message
January 27, 2014, 03:48:19 AM
Just a reminder about the "NOPE" message you may get when trying to log into the server, if any of you are getting this message and it is making you unable to join the server. Please post here so we can fix your account for you, or message me on the forums.

The reason this message happens is because when we had craftbook chairs enabled, the server thought you was trying to crash it when you was sitting on the chairs. Since the server thinks it's an illegal position, it kicks you and keeps kicking you making you not able to get off the chair. The way we have to fix this is removing your location from the player files. So if you get that message please contact one of the staff so we can get it sorted out, but it will be easier if you just post it here.

Format of this:

That is it, remember this is only if you get this message when you try and join the server.
Archived Reports / Ban report...
January 26, 2013, 08:28:08 AM
Banned for 60 days picture say it all.
Other / Reasons
January 17, 2013, 03:46:59 AM
Well I haven't been online recently, sorry about this.
But I have a reason! Me, Deadshot, Sexymf, Jackspeake and Ike (some of these names mean nothing to you) others have been working on a mod called the god mod (Still not finished) but you can find the page at for information about it.

I have also made an adventure map to download it go here:
Or go here;

Our website here
Archived Reports / 7 day ban. Shadowxr
December 06, 2012, 03:48:58 AM
Banned for griefing.

Person who took the photos was not me.
Help & Support / Res stopped working
November 21, 2012, 03:32:19 AM
It seems that Res has stopped working, why I think it has is because people who used res have been griefed.

So I went round and used WG to protect people.
Archived Reports / Ban report skater_713
November 21, 2012, 03:24:04 AM
Banned player skater_713 for 20 days for griefing and stealing from thelolman2. Where is the evidence you ask right here:
Archived Reports / Ban report boysoul88
November 21, 2012, 03:21:00 AM
I have banned boysoul88 for 10 days for robbing from thelolman2. Here is the evidence officer:
Other / Application for a plot in SkyCity
November 14, 2012, 03:18:41 AM
Hi, I have recently made a town called SkyCity and if you want a plot there fill out the application (example below) and post it in this topic. This is so I know who I want in my town.


Why you want a plot here:

Are you mature:

Are you friendly towards other players:

Other details:

Also post 1 picture of a building you have made.

Rules of the town are as followed:
1) If some reason somewhere isn't protected under NO circumstance are you to grief it.

2) I will protect it when I get a chance, so don't tell me 1000 times that I need to protect it.

3) Don't curse other players.

4) Don't steal.

5) Don't ask for a plot if you haven't applied or been accepted for one.

6) Don't ask me to look at your application. (I will look at them every hour)

Enjoy your stay, if you're unhappy with anything in the town tell me.
Their is currently 3 layers of dirt, if you want me to add another ask me.
Plots are 15x15
Warp name: SkyCity

Thank you.
Other Minecraft Help / Suggestion to kaise
November 10, 2012, 02:35:25 PM
For WG the mods have to use string to find regions out, but because of this we can't use tripwire so can you change it to something like golden nuggets?

(I didn't want to type for long because I am really tired and ill)
Archived Reports / Ban report 4
November 10, 2012, 01:06:11 PM
I banned jaimyg for 1d for griefing sharkbaits house, here is the proof:
Archived Reports / Ban report 3
November 10, 2012, 01:02:24 PM
I banned player Elliee for 12 hours, i went easy on her because she thought it wasn't meant to be there and to be honest I should of protected it it is my road. here is you screenies:
Archived Reports / Ban report 2
November 10, 2012, 12:53:01 PM
I banned BIXEIRA for 1 day for griefing rec0n, here is the evidence:
Other / My youtube
November 09, 2012, 08:14:52 AM
Hello everyone and I have started a Minecraft series of Lets Play Minecraft. If you want to watch them, tell me what you think of them. Here is the link
Archived Reports / ANGER
November 08, 2012, 05:54:16 AM
Remember my road it has been majorly griefed and I'm angry, i spent a lot of my time making this road and now someone griefed it it angers me a lot.

Also my shop has been too.

Accepted Staff / xXRoboJackXx's Mod Application
November 08, 2012, 05:11:08 AM
Jack Roberts



When I found out Kaise might make a new server I applied for the whitelist as soon as I could. I was lucky to be accepted and allowed on the server, I started building a lot on the server and was pleased to be able to play again.

Activity before Kaisecraft:
Before KaiseCraft I played a lot of single player and learned how to build and everything to do with what you can do on SP. (I used Kaises client then so i didn't know that you could go online)

Old Kaisecraft:
My IGN was xXRoboJackXx I played A LOT of Minecraft, and then I went to Kaises client on piratebay and found out Kaise had a server so i typed the ip in and started playing. I played KaiseCraft from January up until I got banned, and demoted to the lowest rank for not playing for 3 days (This was when Tricky took over). But I built there: Server town, and there server jail(and they claimed it as there own). Lets go back to the beginning of me discovering the server, I was a citizen and had no clue how to do anything (I actually thought getting protected was someone following you around protecting you) I started looking around for a place to build and when I found one I started building a house (next to the arena) and after a while I went to bed (in real life) and when I woke up the next morning I found my house was gone, I thought that i wasn't meant to build there so I started looking for a new place to build, so I found the server town and built a little shop there, and learned that protecting meant people protecting your builds (I also learned how you make trade signs).

So after a while I got bored of that build so I moved on and built a little town for npc's it was great. Then I built a castle on the water.

So after a while I asked if I could help make a town (called Oceantown) and I met a person called Deadshot we became good friends on the server and we ended up making all of Oceantown. Soon after we decided to build a massive mansion, and had fun doing it (And there was this one joke I said that we was laughing at for days) when we finished the build Deadshot convinced me to apply for protector so I did (and I got the rank) but when martin was teaching me how to protect someone reported me for not protecting them (and I was still learning) but I learned how to protect and mastered it. I then spent too much time on the server protecting (I even did an all nighter) So I was a protector for about 1 month and I helped a lot.

And after the 1 month I became a moderator (I still helped a lot) And I made 2 towns, 1 for staff (in the air the town was) and the other was underwater and it was for everyone.

After like another month I became a SR.Moderator (then Kaise left) and I started to help on Tricky's server, and did a lot for him.

So when I was busy and didn't play for like 3 days they moaned at me and demoted me to peasant and banned me.

Activity after Kaisecraft:
After all that I went to a server called Medievilcraft (with Deadshot) and we started making a clan (it was a PvP server with clan plugins and mcmcco) and learnt all about that plugin.
I also went to robbos server and got Mod there.

Forums Knowledge:
I used to look after my own forum so I know what I'm doing on forums, I also used to be an admin on Kaises old forums.(So I know how to lock, edit, remove and create topic and many more.

A lot of people know me from the old server and like me. I am a nice person and I abide by the rules. If I get Moderator I will do a lot to help people, in anyway I can. Kaise asked me to apply for staff rank when I made my whitelist application, when people was allowed to apply for rank.

Additional Information:
I'm 15 years old, I live in the UK. and English is my first and only language. I am a mature person, and a very nice person who likes helping. I have a lot of patience, and I enjoy acting (I am applying for a collage now). I make very long applications.

Plugins I know how to use:
WorldGuard, WorldEdit, Mcmmo, PvP pluings, Lockette, trade signs, simply vanish, warp plugins, and many, many more.

Thank you for reading.
Other / My Road
October 19, 2012, 07:26:44 AM
Hello i'm writing to discuss the massive road i have built, i only have a few rules for the road:
1)Ask if you want to build a shop on the road.
2)Don't grief the road
3)Your allowed to build a house near the road for free, and if you want build a little road from your house to the big road.
4)If you want to build a town near the road talk to me (and first ask Kaise if your allowed building a town).
5)Name your little road.
6)Enjoy the road.

By the way i haven't finished the road yet.

Anymore questions, or problems, ask me.

here is a picture of the road this isn't all of it, its only a small portion.
and an example of someone else's road on my road.

Forum Help / i don't know if this is serious
October 16, 2012, 06:06:38 AM
i don't know if this is a problem but i stumbled up on to this website:
those people might need to change their passwords.
General Info / someone has been a naughty boy
October 14, 2012, 01:21:48 AM
pretty self explanatory i was showing xXxDE4DSHOTxXx my road when i saw a sign on pengs house so i looked at it says what is written in the picture so kaise or someone can you check who write it and deal with it when you have the time.