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Re-Applying for Moderator / by: Revanger

Started by Revanger, December 11, 2012, 11:43:41 PM

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Eric Connoly



I wasn't one of the few players who got lucky and first got on server but i am on now and i'm active on server (As some of you know i am renewing my old town from KCv1 called "Oceantown", I am planing to be done by the end of November that means il be much more active than last few days...
Activity before Kaisecraft:
I've played 3 servers: SionCraft, VertusCraft and (ExtremeCraft-wich is down now), that's the places where i learned most of commands i should know for Moderator... I know how to beahaviour to players cuz i been Moderator and Admin on these 3 servers

Currnet Rank:

Old Kaisecraft:
My IGN was icebeast4, some of players loved me some didn't, i loved to help peoples and building with them i had few very good friends on Old KC, Highest rank on Old KC i did get before his fall was Merchant..

Activity after Kaisecraft:
Since fall of KCv1 i moved to already mentioned server SionCraft, I applied for Moderator my Application was bad but he gave me test week and i proved myself i served on server as Moderator 2 months than i got Administrator 'cause an Administrator moved from server somewhere else, so SionCraft Owner needed Administrator and he gave me it, I was proud but soon Owner couldn't pay for his server anymore so server shuted down.

Forums Knowledge:
I formed two forums for SionCraft and VertusCraft, I have the most of knowledge about forums i know BBCode and know other things like:
lock, edit, delte topics ETC...

I was well known on old KCv1 i already mentioned that some of players loved me and that i loved helping them as much as i could, soon i met about 25 friends who still didnt came on KCv2 but some of them did (Michael5017, VidaVz, tooth and Robojack) they are my good friends but Robojack dont want talk to me like before idk why...

Additional Information:
I'm 19 years old and I live in Lipik, Croatia. English isn't my first language. I'm great with most of the commands, which include, World Guard, LogBlock, World Edit, Residence and etc. I love helping peoples i've always been kind to players who needed my help i always helped them as much i could...
I was Admin on 1 server and Mod on 2 servers i think i have ability to becoming Moderator on server

Commands i know:

/region define [id] [owner] [morenames]
/region redefine [id]
/region flag [id] [flag name] [allow/deny/remove]
/region setparent [parent] [child]
/region remove [id]
/region claim [id]
/region addowner [idofregion] [playername]
/region addmember [idofregion] [playername]
/region removeowner [idofregion] [playername]
/region removemember [idofregion] [playername]
//set [block]
//replace [old] [new]
//drain [radius]
//expand vert
/fixwater [radius]
/fixlava [radius]
/res create [ResidenceName]
/res area <add/remove> <residence> <areaID>
/res remove [ResidenceName]
/res set [resname] [flag] [true/false/remove]
/lb tool
/lb tool [on/off]
/lb toolblock
/lb toolblock [on/off]
/lb redo [params]
/lb rollback [params]
/lb help

I Re-Applyied for Moderator after a month as you said Kaise :) If you have too much Moderators can you put me as Jr.Mod? :)
We're Anonymous,
We're Legion,
We do not forgive,
We do not forget,
Expect us.
Respect Existance or Expect Resistance


applications for moderator are closed. topic locked.
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, good time to take... inventory."