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Kilijes Application

Started by kilije, November 26, 2012, 12:25:18 PM

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Mikail Kote



Ive played here since the server had whitelist, ive build tons of cool stuff, including /warp SPLife, /warp Play, /warp PigRacing (with Gibgib77) and /warp MainPrison (with Gibgib77).

Activity before Kaisecraft:
I've played in robbocraft donated there became friends with the owner and became an admin, sadly it was taken down.

Forums Knowledge:
Im admin in a CounterStrike clan, after i ban i make reports.

Many players know me for my builds, and they know me from helping the newcomers or anyone in need for help, i try to do as much as i can with all i have.

Additional Information:
Im 16 years old I live in the US, Im from Greece, English is my third language, An di ve also donated to this awesome server, I thank Gibgib77 for asking me to make a thread for joining, i also Thank everyone on this server I have had a great time meeting everyone here and playing here, I also thank SHARKBAIT for showing me this server.

-Thanks For Reading



Add more detail please

Le god of le troll~

Msg me if you need help or have questions :D


We are no longer accepting applications for Moderator if you haven't already read the information. You have also been seen as a nuisance on the server, because of your immaturity.