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Topics - Hij

Other / Merry Chri-...Valentine's Day!
February 14, 2014, 11:30:41 PM
I dunno bout you guys, but I'm spending all of my time with the love of my life.

loljk no gf
News / Meine return
December 25, 2013, 10:41:56 AM
Meine Rückkehr.

So, after finally getting done with the bs that went on, I finally have about 4 years (exaggeration) left of free time, I guess this is my true return! I'll be coming back on, and often, right after New Years Day in East Coast US. I hope to see most of you again (albeit most I already have) in the near future! :3
News / Hij's Leave
September 07, 2013, 08:01:00 AM
Hey all, thought I'd post this. I haven't been on very often these past few weeks, if you haven't noticed. I'm having a bit of struggle IRL and can't get on whenever I please anymore, so I'm going to resign as I haven't really been doing much help to the staff team. So, on account of my inactivity, I bid you all farewell and hope you guys have a great time on the server! I won't be gone from the server PERMANENTLY, I'll still do some visits every now-and-again, but still I don't really do much work rather than just get online and chat. (I'll definitely come on more when my problems have been resolved ;D)

Thanks for reading, tur-ah!
Other / Youtube Channel Art
July 26, 2013, 08:59:37 PM
Yeah, I just posted this here just in case anybody wanted to make me a channel art; as all the ones made for me never fit YT's shitty standards.

The two amazing channel arts;

Now, don't think just because those are wonderful that you can't do better. It's just that I'm fairly tired of not being able to find a good channel art for my channel without it being cropped awfully -_-'

So...if you could help, that would be great! You don't HAVE to, though, don't think I'm forcing you ;)
Archived Reports / Ban Report: kingdomslayer
July 22, 2013, 10:27:37 AM
kingdomslayer - Banned 4 days for...well, the screenshot will explain that ;)

Archived Reports / Ban Report: Darryck
July 20, 2013, 02:31:53 PM
Darryck - Banned 2 days for robbing a chest owned by mindtoit. It really wouldn't have been much, though I noticed Iron Blocks were taken (and quite a bit too)

Archived Reports / Ban Report: NicRayMick3
July 09, 2013, 04:43:28 AM
NicRayMick3: Temporarily banned 10 days for griefing a large number of blocks of a house.

Other games / Smite
July 07, 2013, 07:37:31 AM

This game is quite new at the moment; just got out of closed beta.

It's a game much like LoL, though it is viewed from a 3rd person perspective and, imo, much more fun! Click the link here to go to the site to see videos and other such ways of viewing to see if it interests you! Refer your friends to get free shiz in game (also, if you give me your e-mail I can refer you to it to get free stuff for me! :3), as well as get other great items for the more you refer!

Interested? I hope so! Remember to talk to me so I can refer you, if you are :P
Other / Nondescript
April 30, 2013, 11:57:05 AM
I couldn't think of a title, oh well

There's already a music thread, but I wanna see what songs you exactly listen to! Take any media player you have songs saved on (iTunes, preferably) and shuffle them. Post the first 10 songs that come up on your list (Or 5, if you really feel like it).


1. Ernten Was Wir Säen - Die Fantastischen Vier
2. Ohne Dich - Rammstein
3. Spirit of Chaos - Aviators
4. Melody - Aviators
5. Still - Ben Folds
6. Clash - Caravan Palace
7. Heroes - Aviators
8. Descent - General Mumble
9. Song for an Earth Pony - Replacer
10. Somewhere in Neverland - All Time Low
(Adding this because I "forgot" to pause the music ^u^)
11. Rejected - Tarby
Thread was posted in the wrong category. Has been moved to Help & Support.

Archived Reports / Ban Report: UltraMiner
March 24, 2013, 04:12:22 AM
UltraMiner- Banned 5 days for world edit griefing a line through a town

Archived Reports / Ban Report: mohammad
March 13, 2013, 09:24:14 AM
mohammad: Banned 14 days for griefing a significant part of a glowstone roof built by a moderator.

Archived Reports / IP Ban Report
March 12, 2013, 01:15:39 PM
The ban is currently under speculation, but until further notice; The IP has been banned.
Reason: Logging on to another player's account. First time; using vulgar language, caps, and spamming. Second time; Just another IP logging onto the certain player's account (with which the IP was not associated with).

The player(s) have been associated with this IP are:

Help & Support / MOVED: Hacked! IGNORE ME!
March 09, 2013, 07:50:15 AM
Archived Reports / Ban Report: adaam & mark12
March 08, 2013, 03:09:28 PM
adaam, as well as mark12: Temporarily banned 14 days for griefing Emerald Blocks out of a players home

Archived Reports / Multi-Ban Report
January 31, 2013, 03:21:55 PM
coolerthanu - Permanently Banned for griefing an entire town. Any objections, please contact me or any other Senior Moderator/Admin.

zekrom125 - Banned for 5 days for griefing bits of a waterslide leading into the town mentioned above.

anthony0976 - Banned for 15 days for griefing a bit of blocks around the same town.
Archived Reports / Ban Report: donnywillo
January 26, 2013, 08:49:54 AM
donnywillo - Banned 3 days for griefing a large portion of a stone brick platform

Archived Reports / Ban Report: FerroXD / jakeface102
January 21, 2013, 12:33:23 PM
FerroXD; jakeface102: Banned 7 days each for burning players after they TP'd, and also tried to burn me (Good luck with that one, bub).

Archived Reports / Ban Report: Gabriel0060
January 18, 2013, 06:15:52 AM
Gabriel0060 - banned 2 days for griefing a part of a building right in front of me. A total of 12 or so blocks were destroyed before I stopped him

Archived Reports / Multi-Ban Report
January 18, 2013, 05:20:08 AM
claytongamer; veeti123; CHULAPA - Each one banned for 2 Days for griefing one home after the update. Previous griefed portions of the home not identified.