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applying for engineer

Started by Dj_Mellody, May 14, 2013, 04:16:14 PM

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I Have Waited 1 Week
Hello I am Elexus Taumata, also my ign is dj_mellody, and I would like to apply again for engineer because I build lots of things regarding redstone, but am burdened to have to go to a shop to buy items I need instead of being able to spawn them when i need them.
I have been playing on this server for 6 months and have been builder for 2 months
I think I deserve to be engineer because I am one of the few people who are good at redstone in this server and I am also very helpful to those who need help in learning redstone 430 I know how to make stuff like locks with jukeboxe's, doors and etc. I would like to be engineer rank cause I've wanted to do redstone builds and I needed to go to the mall or a mods shop to buy redstone based items. The main reason of applying for Engineer is because I can spawn all redstone based items, so I wouldn't need to spend money. I would also like to be engineer because I would be able to help others with their redstone builds and modify my own. I am planing to build a safe house, redstone elevators and much more great redstone creations. With Engineer rank and plus i have built a shop /warp shoppingmall and a city /warp city
My mcmmo power is 1037 and 2 special friends helped me abit UltraMiner and Raperv26
Reason:I Cant Spawn things like levers pistons repeaters and sticky pistons
Here are some of my redstone builds:


Very good reason. Pictures are good,but are they from server??
KCv2 Moderator



yes and thx for the support


KCv2 Moderator


Nice Application and i think you deserve [Engineer]
And ~Support  ;D


Nice application, is probably deserving for engineer.



You've been reported on flying in Survival and have been banned for 5 days.