Kaise123's Forums

'KCv2' Minecraft Server => Factions News => Topic started by: jedwere on December 29, 2013, 02:51:12 PM

Title: InArms New Mini-Guilds!!
Post by: jedwere on December 29, 2013, 02:51:12 PM
What Are Mini-Guilds?
Mini-Guilds are small Categorized Groups that specialize in a certain task in the faction, each has its own Guild Leader, and its Own Ranks, this also keeps the members busy and happy, and provides a good system in gaining items.

Farmer's Guild
Guild Leader: Jedwere
Description:Our goal is To Improve agriculture, not just for the faction, but also for the public, we grow and trade good quantities of crops, meat eggs etc.
also, you will join the leader and help him... harvest the Wheat fields, care for the live stock, and Help maintain the market place.  ;D
Your user name will starts with [Farmer'sGuild] so we know what place you are, also you will help cutting down trees for materials and building materials, and construct farms for crops.

Farmer Ranks
(This will be the ranks for the rest of the other Mini-Guilds)
-Newbie (no access to help out at the Public market or the storage room)
-Adept (Has complete access to the market and can help out freely, although still restricted to the Storage room)
-Novice (Complete access to everything, and can Build market stalls at the market place)
-Officers (Is not Moderator and Manages the fields along with the Novices, and Checks to make sure that the food chests at the faction are full and re-stocked for the members to get from)

No Requirements needed

Miner's Guild
Guild Leader: Minerfreak3 (i suggest you follow what this man says, he got a chest filled with obsidian in 3 hours!!)
Description: Our goal is to mine for ores, so we can supply our faction with durable materials to make into the best tools we can forge. Rank title format is also the same.

Miner Ranks
(the same with farmer ranks)
-Ne (new and can mine freely, however cannot construct any exp farms or generators_
-Ad (Is given better Gear, ready to bear what the mines would give)
-No (are allowed to Make Mining Outpost and point out ore veins)
-Of (Moderators, helps collect the ores n the mines, and guides his/her fellow members to a safer route)

Required Skills/Knowledge
-How to make a strip mine
-what to do with a spawner
-tool crafting knowlage

Anti-Mob Force
Guild Leader: The_RedStorm
Description: as we all know, creepers ruin almost any hard work you may have done, the goal of this Mini-Guild is only to combat against Mobs ONLY!! so that we have a safe environment in the faction

Anti-Mob force Ranks
-Ne (Only restricted to patrolling the base)
-Ad (Has access to the armory and, patrols the over world outposts for mobs)
-No (Has access to the Ore Vault, has to make weapons and enchants them)
-Of (Moderator, Complete access to everything, and patrols the Nether Outposts

Other Remarks:
This guild's intention is only to combat against the mobs and make the faction safer, has nothing to do with killing other players, only against grifing mobs such as the creeper.

Required Skills
-Good Mob combat skills
-Can kill a creeper without detonating it
-can handle being alone, and the dark

Sorry these are the only Mini-Guilds i could think of, we are open to suggestions though  ;D

P.S Please apply by replying, thank you  :)


Title: Re: InArms New Mini-Guilds!!
Post by: wesley123 on January 01, 2014, 01:09:00 AM
This is my InArms faction application for the  [bold]Miner[/b] mini-guild.
My I.G.N: wesley123playsMC
I heard they was now mini-guilds in our faction. Once i heard about it i instantly knew witch one it would be.
I would like to apply for the Miner mini-guild.
I can craft almost every item in the game (sometimes i need to look on google....).
I do have common sense.
I can follow orders from my superiors.
I can strip mine and can do many other types of mining.(some you have never heard of)
I can make x.p farms and mob grinders from spawners. I can make some even without them!
I love too mine, mostly because of the exploration.
So i hope i can join the mining mini-guild.

This concludes my guild application for our faction.

Title: Re: InArms New Mini-Guilds!!
Post by: jedwere on January 01, 2014, 03:53:11 AM
Quote from: wesley123 on January 01, 2014, 01:09:00 AM
This is my InArms faction application for the  [bold]Miner[/b] mini-guild.
My I.G.N: wesley123playsMC
I heard they was now mini-guilds in our faction. Once i heard about it i instantly knew witch one it would be.
I would like to apply for the Miner mini-guild.
I can craft almost every item in the game (sometimes i need to look on google....).
I do have common sense.
I can follow orders from my superiors.
I can strip mine and can do many other types of mining.(some you have never heard of)
I can make x.p farms and mob grinders from spawners. I can make some even without them!
I love too mine, mostly because of the exploration.
So i hope i can join the mining mini-guild.

This concludes my guild application for our faction.
Application Accepted!
You always follow orders and your very friendly around people, your Guild leader is Minerfreak3, and your commanding officer is Mipronk
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