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[INFO] KCv2 Old World Build Transfers

Started by Diion, July 18, 2013, 08:06:03 AM

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Hello Everyone  ;D

   With the most recent update a new and custom generated world has been brought into focus... bringing forth new building opportunities and increasing the overall experience.

and as a result of this, builds would need to be transferred from this old world to the new world.

so, after finding a suitable place,  feel to ask any moderator to transfer your build over to the new world

also, whether a build meets the requirements is also to be determined by the staff and not all builds will be will transferred (wooden boxes, dirt huts, survival world bases etc.)

anyway, with that said... i'll see you guy in-game  8)

if the entire world fallowed the assumption that it must operate based upon an eye for an eye, everyone would have horrible depth Perception o.O


And as a further note; in order to your builds to be transferred, you need to have a

Warp such as: /warp narnia


Co-Ords such as: x -136 y 17 z 173


A set home in that location.

If you don't have any of these and have no idea where the build is, it will not be transferred as it will be impossible to find.

My Shoe Wanker

Town: /Warp Eden.
Owned By: Matty_Riko/Me.