Kaise123's Forums

'KCv2' Minecraft Server => Staff Applications => Denied Staff => Topic started by: Jelli on August 03, 2013, 04:20:52 AM

Title: My Mod Application... So freaking nervous
Post by: Jelli on August 03, 2013, 04:20:52 AM
Jerry Wu

13 and ¾ (I will turn 14 in September) and I do know about the age limit being 15...


Current Rank:
I am currently a Builder.

Jelli589 (LOL it's the same as my IGN)

When I started KaiseCraftV2:
I kind of forgot when I started KaiseCraft. I think it was around February-March.

My Activity on the server:
I'm reasonably active on the server. Usually I can go on but my summer is kind of busy because I have summer school 7 days a week. I'm on the server for about 1-2 hours at a time. On weekdays, I'm not as active but on the weekend, I can stay on for up to 3 hours at a time. When I'm on the server, I usually just build something with redstone (which may or may not lag the area around spawn) or I just chat with someone or I PvP them. If people need help, usually I help them if it's just something about spawning items or something simple like that.

Before KaiseCraftV2:
KaiseCraftV2 was the first server I ever played because I never played MineCraft until my friend introduced KaiseCraftV2 and Kaise's cracked client to me. Before KaiseCraft I played an game called MapleStory and I still play sometimes.(Bera FTW)

My knowledge of being a mod:
I literally have no knowledge about being a mod because this is the first time I have applied for a mod position. The only thing close to being a mod is banning people on my friends server who have illegally spawned items, but this server is just a little private server between a couple of friends and I.

Reason I want to become mod:
The reason I want to become mod is because I like helping people and it seems like a fun position. I remember when I was switching accounts, I forgot to transfer a residence and my cracked account was stuck in survival because it was unranked(Not even a Guest LOL). Then, BAM, Zlexy tp's out of nowhere and helps me. That was when I thought, "Hey, why don't I apply for mod in the future so I can help the new guys with a wider range of commands.

I don't know much about World Edit, World Guard, and Core Protect and I am OK with Residence, but I can learn how to use them through Google or the InterWeb right? ... I hope

World Edit:
[spoiler]//wand-Gives you a wood axe which is the tool used for WE.
//set "Put block name here" (No one actually uses the id number right?)- This sets the area selected with the block you want.
//replace "The name of the block being replaced" "The name of the block being set"-This replaces the block you want with another block of your choice.
//undo-This undoes an edit.
//redo-This is basically //undo but reversed.
//copy-This copies the area you selected.
//paste-This pastes the area you copied.
//outline "Put the name of the block you want here- This outlines the region that you selected with the block you chose.[/spoiler]

Core Protect:
[spoiler]/co inspect- This is the only command I know for Core Protect.[/spoiler]

World Guard- I have no idea how to use this so I will try to learn them.

You will need a wooden shovel to select the region you want to protect.
[spoiler]/res select expand "Number of blocks"- This expands the region you selected for a residence towards wherever you are facing.
/res create "Residence name here"- This protects the region you selected and names the residence too.
/res pset "Residence name" "Player you want to add" trusted true/false- This gives a player full access to you residence of you use "true" and using "false" will remove the permissions from a player.
/res pset "Residence name" "Player you want to add" build true-This allows a player to build in your residence. This can be reversed by using "false" instead of "true".
/res pset "Residence name" "Player you want to add" container true-This allows a player to open containers in your residence. Again, this can be changed by using "false" instead of "true".
/res pset "Residence name" "Player you want to add" use true-This allows a player to use doors. This should be obvious by now that you can use "false" instead of "true" to reverse this.
/res remove "Residence name"-This removes the residence you have selected.[/spoiler]

Other commands:
These are just random commands I know.
[spoiler]/ban "Player getting banned"-This bans the player you selected.
/kick "Player getting kicked"-This kicks the player selected from the game.
/mute-This mutes the player selected.(It should be obvious that you need a player selected)

Additional Stuff:
This is just additional stuff about me.

I live in California,USA with my mom, dad, and (annoying) little sister. I speak English, some Cantonese, a little bit of Mandarin, and a little Japanese(I'm taking Japanese as my world language in high school). I like to attempt to fix things but usually I end up failing because it's something like fixing a computer that my sister screwed up or trying to cook something for lunch... I try my best to be positive but if you annoy me too much, I might explode. I am not the most serious person, but everyone is like that at some point of their lives right? I am going into high school when the school year starts(God so nervous for freshman year). I got my IGN because I thought that it would be funny to replace the r's in my name to l's, but the IGN Jelly was taken so I changed the "y" to an "i". So yea that's my mod application...

I hope people support me because who doesn't like a peanut butter and wait for it... Jelli sandwich. That was a horrible pun... Oh well, every time you support, a sandwich gets its wings. God this took me forever... Freaking typing on an iPad.
Title: Re: My Mod Application... So freaking nervous
Post by: TheDarkWolf on August 03, 2013, 12:50:12 PM
No support from me, bro.

A few big issues I see here are your confidence level and sureness in yourself. You say you want to learn the commands, but the "I hope" tag on the end of it kind of seals the deal for you for me. Personally, if you don't have confidence in your ability to learn, how can you learn to become a good mod and deal with other players? Don't get me wrong, not knowing the commands isn't the deal breaker for me. You can see my mod application and in it I state that I know basically nothing about WG or CoreProtect or W/E. However, I knew I could learn the commands, was confident in my ability, and expressed my intentions to learn. You have to be sure of yourself and also be able to think about things three dimensionally. That's the mark of someone who has matured enough to be able to take on the role of being a moderator.

I also don't like your activity level. You need to be reasonably active to be able to help out at the extent that you express in your application.
Title: Re: My Mod Application... So freaking nervous
Post by: Jelli on August 03, 2013, 01:27:50 PM
Thanks for the feedback Wolf. Even though you didn't support, I appreciate the feedback.
Title: Re: My Mod Application... So freaking nervous
Post by: Michael5017 on August 03, 2013, 04:47:16 PM
-No Support

Not online much, your application is short, your a beginner of WorldEdit, WorldGuard and CoreProtect, you can be better by going to find tutorials and the age limit (you already know)

Also, i agree what TheDarkWolf said.
Title: Re: My Mod Application... So freaking nervous
Post by: DEADShotMartini on August 03, 2013, 08:30:37 PM
To be fair, I think you could have some sort of potential in being a mod, I personally don't know if we're looking for another mod under the age restriction, but i know there are leeway's. For me i am undecided/no because of the reasons Wolf has said
Title: Re: My Mod Application... So freaking nervous
Post by: Hij on August 03, 2013, 09:56:41 PM
Why people say apps like this are short is beyond me. This is a pretty decent application, and Wolf pretty much explained my thoughts about it. Because of that and the age limit issue, there's not that much of a chance of you being accepted at the moment. I'm also currently in an undecided/no position, but you can easily change that by changing your behaviour and your activity ;)
Title: Re: My Mod Application... So freaking nervous
Post by: Jelli on August 04, 2013, 01:12:57 AM
Ok I will try to be more active in the future.
Title: Re: My Mod Application... So freaking nervous
Post by: Akahitoha (AiriSchwartz) on August 05, 2013, 04:26:27 AM
I haven't seen you on for long time periods, just some times on here, and there. After what Han had said, it appears in his time zone and pacific time zone you haven't been seen much

As for your application, it is fairly well done to the most part, maybe a little more creativity may have pushed it through quicker :3.
Your temperament reminds me of someone else. Come on :3 be a little more confident in yourself~ ...but don't overdo it...
Do I support or not support? Well, this is my answer:

(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/89/Symbol_neutral_vote.svg/180px-Symbol_neutral_vote.svg.png) Neutral Until Further Notice
Title: Re: My Mod Application... So freaking nervous
Post by: Jelli on August 05, 2013, 02:35:40 PM
Yeah airi i know I don't usually go on for very long periods. I will try to be more active and I'm not confident about this because its my first mod app so I'm really nervous. Plus, are you sure i remind you of someone?
Title: Re: My Mod Application... So freaking nervous
Post by: Zlexy on August 05, 2013, 10:08:54 PM
Im denying this on the grounds that you are not of the correct age and your application did not make up for the lack of age.

--Application denied--
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