Kaise123's Forums

Minecraft => Kaise123's Minecraft Client => Topic started by: Kaise123 on August 02, 2012, 07:05:50 PM

Title: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on August 02, 2012, 07:05:50 PM
Kaise123's Minecraft Client - Official Server Application Thread
Apply to have your server in the list of my client

Reply to this post if you want your server added to the next, or future releases of my client.

You need:

In order for your server to be applicable, it must be:

- 24/7 (It must ALWAYS be running, apart from downtime for maintenance etc)
- At least 15 slots.

In order to be added to the list, you need to please include the following information in your post:

- The name of the server - So I know what to call it on the OP and in the client
- The IP or address of the server
- The website/forum/facebook page of the server - so that there is information publicly available on the server

The more detailed your post is, the better. A good example is the first application by Haggenrat for Mdynamics.

Approved servers:

Updated: 07/11/2013 (DD/MM/YYYY)

[spoiler=Removed Servers]

If your server was accepted but was not on this list, Please re-apply as it was down at my time of testing/adding to the client.[/list]
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Haggenrat on August 08, 2012, 05:33:21 PM
Official Application For: Mdynamics

Uptime : 24/7
Server Ip : Server.Mdynamics.tk
Slots: 48
RAM: 2gigs
Version: 1.3
Offline : True
Scheduled Maintenance: Restart Every 6 Hours, 15 minute downtime once every 2 weeks, Saves every 15 minuts
Whitelist : Off (Except during major updating)
Pvp : Allowed in the pvp world, and user toggle in the main world.
Worlds : Event World  |  End  |  Adventure  |  PvP  |  Creative  |  1.3 world

[spoiler=Mdynamics Info]Mdynamics is The premier offline server, for all your Minecraft desires, We offer Worlds for all Play-styles and proffesional staff to help you with any problems you may encounter. we offer several free to play ranks that are accomplished by how long you play on server, not by applying. We offer clans for the pvp world, and modified creative mode for the creative world.

We offer a free to use voice server, for you and your friends, and if you start a clan, we can give you your own password protected clan chat room! clan stats are always viewable on our website! Mdynamics.tk/minecraft/clans

Backed By the Mdynamics Gaming community with over 18,000 players worldwide, The Mdynamics server has the staff, and the knowledge to handle large communities!

Get started today! Join our server, and perhaps you too will enjoy it!  [/spoiler]

Why we should be added to the list of servers: Mdynamics is a casual gaming server, based off the role model of the original Kaisecraft, we Posses all of the same Plugins, and more! For an Original Servercraft style experience play on our server for 1 hour, and go to our modified creative world! Where you will be able to spawn all but server blacklisted items! including new 1.3 items!

What we offer: Everything we can afford to add. we have a highly motivated staff, that while small, maintains a proper environment, and always strives to provide the best Minecraft has to offer.

Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on August 08, 2012, 07:28:20 PM
Quote from: Haggenrat on August 08, 2012, 05:33:21 PM
Official Application For: Mdynamics

[spoiler]Uptime : 24/7
Server Ip : Server.Mdynamics.tk
Slots: 48
RAM: 2gigs
Version: 1.3
Offline : True
Scheduled Maintenance: Restart Every 6 Hours, 15 minute downtime once every 2 weeks, Saves every 15 minuts
Whitelist : Off (Except during major updating)
Pvp : Allowed in the pvp world, and user toggle in the main world.
Worlds : Event World  |  End  |  Adventure  |  PvP  |  Creative  |  1.3 world

[spoiler=Mdynamics Info]Mdynamics is The premier offline server, for all your Minecraft desires, We offer Worlds for all Play-styles and proffesional staff to help you with any problems you may encounter. we offer several free to play ranks that are accomplished by how long you play on server, not by applying. We offer clans for the pvp world, and modified creative mode for the creative world.

We offer a free to use voice server, for you and your friends, and if you start a clan, we can give you your own password protected clan chat room! clan stats are always viewable on our website! Mdynamics.tk/minecraft/clans

Backed By the Mdynamics Gaming community with over 18,000 players worldwide, The Mdynamics server has the staff, and the knowledge to handle large communities!

Get started today! Join our server, and perhaps you too will enjoy it!  [/spoiler]

Why we should be added to the list of servers: Mdynamics is a casual gaming server, based off the role model of the original Kaisecraft, we Posses all of the same Plugins, and more! For an Original Servercraft style experience play on our server for 1 hour, and go to our modified creative world! Where you will be able to spawn all but server blacklisted items! including new 1.3 items!

What we offer: Everything we can afford to add. we have a highly motivated staff, that while small, maintains a proper environment, and always strives to provide the best Minecraft has to offer.[/spoiler]

Thanks, It will be included. Also This is a good example to anyone else applying, as it has good, well laid out information. Thanks :)
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: ParagonGX on August 12, 2012, 03:22:34 PM
Application for Bublécraft

Uptime: 24/7
Website: http://www.bublecraft.com/
Forums: http://bublecraft.com/forums/index.php
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bublecraft
Server Ip: mc.bublecraft.com
Slots: 35
Version: 1.3.2
Offline: True
Restarts: Every 8 hours
Whitelist: Off
PvP: Allowed (Denied, in towns which have the pvp flag)
Worlds: Survival world, end world and nether world, accessible by all players of different ranks.
[spoiler]Bublecraft's story
Bublécraft is a server that combines elements of creative and survival gameplay to create the quintessential minecraft experience. With over 3500 registered players and over 400 users on the forums we must be doing something right. All ranks are allowed to fly (because don't we all want to fly?) and members+ have access to item spawning. The staff at bublécraft strive to create an enjoyable and personal experience for you unlike any other. Come online and say hi :)

Ranks: Reason why Bublécraft should be added to the list of servers on Kaise's client: Bublécraft is a server which is enjoyed by many players whom have come from many different servers and had shared their experiences, to make the server even more fun, for both it's players and staff. We are willing share our server to the people who aren't able to afford legit minecraft and to those who already own it.

What we have to offer: We have dedicated staff members who will attend to any needs or assistance with no hesitation. We take in suggestions from fellow members of the server and may even be implemented. We give what the players of the server want (suggested plugins/mods). We will give the best experience any player will ever recieve in the world of Minecraftia.  ;)
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on August 12, 2012, 07:59:13 PM
Quote from: TEH_BEAST on August 12, 2012, 03:22:34 PM
Application for Bublécraft

[spoiler]Uptime: 24/7
Website: http://www.bublecraft.com/
Forums: http://bublecraft.com/forums/index.php
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bublecraft
Server Ip: mc.bublecraft.com
Slots: 35
Version: 1.3.1
Offline: True
Restarts: Every 8 hours
Whitelist: Off
PvP: Allowed (Denied, in towns which have the pvp flag)
Worlds: Survival world, end world and nether world, accessible by all players of different ranks.
[spoiler]Bublecraft's story
Bublécraft is a server that combines elements of creative and survival gameplay to create the quintessential minecraft experience. With over 3500 registered players and over 400 users on the forums we must be doing something right. All ranks are allowed to fly (because don't we all want to fly?) and members+ have access to item spawning. The staff at bublécraft strive to create an enjoyable and personal experience for you unlike any other. Come online and say hi :)


  • Guest (base rank)
  • Member (played for 5 days or more and has applied on the forums)
  • Contributor (rank where players are able to spawn more items)
  • Mayor (rank where players are able to have their own town)
  • VIP (a paid for rank, allows players to use World Edit and wear hats)
  • Jr.Mod (base rank of staff members)
  • Mod (staff members which have lots of experience to the server and have served their time)
  • Admin (the chosen ones)
Reason why Bublécraft should be added to the list of servers on Kaise's client: Bublécraft is a server which is enjoyed by many players whom have come from many different servers and had shared their experiences, to make the server even more fun, for both it's players and staff. We are willing share our server to the people who aren't able to afford legit minecraft and to those who already own it.

What we have to offer: We have dedicated staff members who will attend to any needs or assistance with no hesitation. We take in suggestions from fellow members of the server and may even be implemented. We give what the players of the server want (suggested plugins/mods). We will give the best experience any player will ever recieve in the world of Minecraftia.  ;)[/spoiler]

Absolutely accepted, Thanks Mate :)
Added you on Skype, and say G'day to Bublé for me.
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: mau5nstuff on September 13, 2012, 07:39:51 PM
Server name: MC Godfatherz
Uptime: 24/7
Website: none yet, comming soon
Forums: none yet, comming soon
Server Ip:
Slots: 30
Version: 1.3.2
Offline: True
Restarts: Every 8 hours
Whitelist: Off
PvP: Allowed
Worlds: Survival, end, nether

Survival: default rank
Cop: Players who watch drug dealers and try to arrest them (any1 can deal drugs with others to make good money, but be careful!)
VipSurvival: Basic VIPs! Can transform into monsters (DisguiseCraft), can use a parachute (use an egg while falling down), and more comming!
VipCop: VipSurvival and Cop combined :)

What we have to offer: We have a loyal staff team, formed by IRL friends, hosted and taken care of by me (Mau5nStuff). We aim to bring back the old, traditional Vanilla survivaling back, but with a few twists! Drugs have been added to the server to deal with other players, but watch the cops, they are dangerous! If you're caught with drugs in your inventory you will lose the drugs and get 2 minute jailed (use the TAB key, if you see a blue name, a COP is online). Survival alone, or get your friends, there are NO factions to keep the survival as vanilla as possible. Be careful who you allow in your survival team!
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on September 13, 2012, 08:43:29 PM
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: CookieMonsterHD on October 19, 2012, 01:41:38 PM
Name: KingdomCraft
Uptime: 24/7
Website: http://kingdomcraftmine.webs.com/
Forums: http://kingdomcraftmine.webs.com/apps/forums/
Server Ip:
Slots: 30
Version: 1.3.2
Offline: True
Whitelist: Off
PvP: Allowed
Worlds: Survival world, Hunger_Games worlds, accessible by all players of different ranks.

Outsider (base rank)
Citizen(played for 5 days or more and has applied on the forums)
Merchant(rank where players are able to set up shops)
Knight(rank where players are able to Spawn NPC's to Protect there home or use them as a bodyguard)
Wizard(a paid for rank, allows players to use Magic on the Server with the MagicSpells plugin)
King (Rank where players are able to spawn More Npc than a knight and are permitted to spawn items and create shops)
Mod (staff members which have lots of experience to the server and have served their time)
Admin (the chosen ones)

What we have to offer: We have a trustworthy staff team that is always work to make the server better. We have fun ranks and plugins on the server for user. There are also lost castle which user's can find and be rewarded for finding them.
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on October 19, 2012, 09:42:09 PM
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: king9901 on November 30, 2012, 02:53:12 PM
Uptime: 24/7
Website: http://www.lucrations.com/
Forums: http://lucrations.com/smf/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lucrations
Server Ip: server.lucrations.com
Slots: 18
Version: 1.4.5
Offline: True
Restarts: Every 12 hours
Whitelist: Off
PvP: Allowed (Denied, in towns which have the pvp flag)
Worlds: Survival world, end world and nether world, accessible by all players of different ranks.

The ranks are as follows:
1. Newcomer (base rank)
2. Member (can fly)
3. Trader (can use trade signs)
4. Leader (can own a potion of land of the mayor)
5.Mayor (can own a big portion of land)
6.Protector (can protect areas)
7.VIP (can use world edit)
8.Moderator (can spawn a lot of stuff has moderations and rollback ability)
9.ADMIN (has legit payroll receive monthly money as bonus)
10.Owner (only me!)

Reason why Lucrationcraft should be added to the list of servers on Kaise's client: Lucrarioncraft is a server with a lot of fun people everyone coming from different servers sharing their experience make it more fun to build and play minecraft. To make it more fun we need to recruit as many players as possible as they say the more the merrier. I want to give people who cannot afford to buy legit minecraft because they don't have cash they can't experience how fun it is to play minecraft.

What we have to offer: We offer fun and life essential knowledge as we grow. There are caring and moderators to make it fun. There will be no bullies just plain fun and happiness life is too short to get sad. We here are your real friends as if we knew each other personally.
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on December 02, 2012, 10:17:27 PM
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: kindak1 on December 18, 2012, 07:41:49 AM
Name: mojocraft
Uptime : 24/7
Server Ip :
Slots: 60
RAM: 2gigs
Version: 1.4.5
Offline : True
Scheduled Maintenance: Restart Every 6 Hours, 15 minute downtime once every 2 weeks, Saves every 15 minuts
Whitelist : Off (Except during major updating)
Pvp : Allowed in the pvp world, and user toggle in the main world.
Worlds : Event World  |  End  |  Adventure  |  PvP  |  Creative  |  1.3 world
Forum: mojocraft.net
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on January 10, 2013, 11:00:18 PM
@Kindak: No server name?
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: IHeartMW on March 13, 2013, 02:27:41 PM
Uptime: 24/7
Website: http://www.pwnage-gaming.org (http://www.pwnage-gaming.org)
Forums: http://www.pwnage-gaming.org/index (http://www.pwnage-gaming.org/index)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pwnage-Gaming (https://www.facebook.com/Pwnage-Gaming)
Server Ip:
Slots: 130
Version: 1.4.7
Offline: true
Restarts: Every 2 days
Whitelist: Off
PvP: Allowed (Denied, in Factions and or pvp safe zones)
Worlds: Spawn World, PVP World, Deathrun world

Server Name: PwNagE Gaming's MC Server!
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on March 13, 2013, 08:14:56 PM
Quote from: IHeartMW on March 13, 2013, 02:27:41 PM
Uptime: 24/7
Website: http://www.pwnage-gaming.org (http://www.pwnage-gaming.org)
Forums: http://www.pwnage-gaming.org/index (http://www.pwnage-gaming.org/index)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pwnage-Gaming (https://www.facebook.com/Pwnage-Gaming)
Server Ip:
Slots: 130
Version: 1.4.7
Offline: true
Restarts: Every 2 days
Whitelist: Off
PvP: Allowed (Denied, in Factions and or pvp safe zones)
Worlds: Spawn World, PVP World, Deathrun world

Server Name: PwNagE Gaming's MC Server!

Accepted xD You'll see it in my next client as long as it's up at the time I add it.
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Michael5017-2 on March 14, 2013, 12:07:12 AM
Server name: StillCraft
IP Adress:
24/7: Yes
Slots: 45
Version: 1.4.7 (Will be 1.5 soon!)
PvP: Yes but not at No-PVP Zones
Scheduled Maintance: No
Whitelist: No
Premium/Cracked Server: Cracked
Forums/Website: forums-stillcraft.tk (Will be soon stillcraftin.tk)
Ranks: Guest, Citizen, Builder, Moderator, Sr.Mod, ADMIN, OWNER
Worlds: world world_nether world_end darkfire survival1 (1 world of kcv1)

Why should StillCraft need to be in server list of kaise123's client?:

StillCraft is new and we want more player we have hungergames, survival. There will come more soon!

Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on March 15, 2013, 10:52:23 AM
Quote from: Michael5017-2 on March 14, 2013, 12:07:12 AM
Server name: StillCraft
IP Adress:
24/7: Yes
Slots: 45
Version: 1.4.7 (Will be 1.5 soon!)
PvP: Yes but not at No-PVP Zones
Scheduled Maintance: No
Whitelist: No
Premium/Cracked Server: Cracked
Forums/Website: forums-stillcraft.tk (Will be soon stillcraftin.tk)
Ranks: Guest, Citizen, Builder, Moderator, Sr.Mod, ADMIN, OWNER
Worlds: world world_nether world_end darkfire survival1 (1 world of kcv1)

Why should StillCraft need to be in server list of kaise123's client?:

StillCraft is new and we want more player we have hungergames, survival. There will come more soon!

Accepted. As long as it's up when I check it, It will appear in my 1.5 client. Are you the owner of this Michael? If so, How are you paying for it? I can see it's 'properly' hosted, But I know you don't have access to PayPal...?
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Michael5017 on March 15, 2013, 05:42:41 PM
Mr_Filip is the owner he is hosting on CreeperHost with his own creditcard

I am just adversting his server
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on March 18, 2013, 09:58:01 AM
Quote from: Michael5017 on March 15, 2013, 05:42:41 PM
Mr_Filip is the owner he is hosting on CreeperHost with his own creditcard

I am just adversting his server

I can't add it then unfortunately. We can't be completely sure, but several people who logged into his server with the same password that they use for KCv2 were then hacked on KCv2, therefore I cannot add it to my client.
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Michael5017 on March 19, 2013, 01:34:21 AM
Quote from: Kaise123 on March 18, 2013, 09:58:01 AM
Quote from: Michael5017 on March 15, 2013, 05:42:41 PM
Mr_Filip is the owner he is hosting on CreeperHost with his own creditcard

I am just adversting his server

I can't add it then unfortunately. We can't be completely sure, but several people who logged into his server with the same password that they use for KCv2 were then hacked on KCv2, therefore I cannot add it to my client.

Same, when i saw filip was it i really wanted that stillcraft off the server list from your client

Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: kindak1 on March 19, 2013, 03:25:00 AM
Quote from: Kaise123 on January 10, 2013, 11:00:18 PM
@Kindak: No server name?
Yes mojocraft
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: ParagonGX on March 27, 2013, 04:52:45 PM
Quote from: kindak1 on March 19, 2013, 03:25:00 AM
Quote from: Kaise123 on January 10, 2013, 11:00:18 PM
@Kindak: No server name?
Yes mojocraft
That's just Mdynamics with a new server name....
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: IHeartMW on April 16, 2013, 04:33:44 PM
Alright, apparently my MC Server is premium because of the co-owner being away, and literally he hates shit i do with out his consent
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on April 16, 2013, 04:51:25 PM
Quote from: IHeartMW on April 16, 2013, 04:33:44 PM
Alright, apparently my MC Server is premium because of the co-owner being away, and literally he hates shit i do with out his consent

It is. And it has been removed.
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Mr_Filip on June 22, 2013, 10:08:58 PM
Server name: JessuoCraft
IP Adress: Jessuo.no-ip.org or server.lucrations.com
24/7: Yes
Slots: 40
Version: 1.5.2
PvP: Yes
Whitelist: No
offlinemode: Yes
Forums: http://forums.lucrations.com/smf/index.php (http://forums.lucrations.com/smf/index.php)

Title: BlockUnity
Post by: allanski on October 26, 2013, 08:45:04 PM
Hello everybody.
I found this awesome server owned by Jelle (DonDiablo) and I would like it to be included in the luncher.
It is a 24/7 server except for times when the server is being restarted or being updated.
It's server IP is play.blockunity.com.
Currently the server is small alas (but) there are plan's on expanding the server.
There are plugins on the server such as Factions,GroupManager,PickBoat,WorldEdit,mcore,Vault,Lockette and many more but I will not list them so you will not go bannanas :D .
It has 3gb.
Whitelisting is off unless there's a staff meeting or big changes.
PVP is allowed in the world (currently one world but might change soon) .
version is 1.6.4 and when new version will come out you can ask Jelle himself to change the server his skype is jellebuitendijk.
The server website is http://www.blockunity.com/ (http://www.blockunity.com/)
thank you for reading this have a wonderfull day or night bye bye.
Remember . What does the fox say?
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on October 26, 2013, 11:31:38 PM
Quote from: allanski on October 26, 2013, 08:45:04 PM
Hello everybody.
I found this awesome server owned by Jelle (DonDiablo) and I would like it to be included in the luncher.
It is a 24/7 server except for times when the server is being restarted or being updated.
It's server IP is play.blockunity.com.
Currently the server is small alas (but) there are plan's on expanding the server.
There are plugins on the server such as Factions,GroupManager,PickBoat,WorldEdit,mcore,Vault,Lockette and many more but I will not list them so you will not go bannanas :D .
It has 3gb.
Whitelisting is off unless there's a staff meeting or big changes.
PVP is allowed in the world (currently one world but might change soon) .
version is 1.6.4 and when new version will come out you can ask Jelle himself to change the server his skype is jellebuitendijk.
The server website is http://www.blockunity.com/ (http://www.blockunity.com/)
thank you for reading this have a wonderfull day or night bye bye.
Remember . What does the fox say?

You need to ask the owner of the server (Jelle) To apply themselves. Sorry
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: DonDiablo on October 29, 2013, 08:14:52 PM
Name: BlockUnity
Uptime : 24/7
Server Ip : play.blockunity.com
Slots: 20
Version: 1.6.4
Offline : True
Scheduled Maintenance: none
Whitelist : Off
Pvp : PvP is on but there will be no random killing eachother
Worlds : |  End  |  Nether  |  Survival  | 
Forum: www.Blockunity.com (http://www.blockunity.com)

About blockunity:

Blockunity is a completely LEGIT minecraft server everything on it is hand made no creative or spawning was used
we have a great community who help eachother :)
the spawn looks like nothing at the moment cause we are still building it
its just plain survival with more to come :)
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on November 01, 2013, 10:15:39 PM
Quote from: DonDiablo on October 29, 2013, 08:14:52 PM
Name: BlockUnity
Uptime : 24/7
Server Ip : play.blockunity.com
Slots: 20
Version: 1.6.4
Offline : True
Scheduled Maintenance: none
Whitelist : Off
Pvp : PvP is on but there will be no random killing eachother
Worlds : |  End  |  Nether  |  Survival  | 
Forum: www.Blockunity.com (http://www.blockunity.com)

About blockunity:

Blockunity is a completely LEGIT minecraft server everything on it is hand made no creative or spawning was used
we have a great community who help eachother :)
the spawn looks like nothing at the moment cause we are still building it
its just plain survival with more to come :)

Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: d3min3r on November 06, 2013, 08:20:33 PM
Uptime : 24/7
Server Ip : play.chronicals.de
Slots: 150
Version: 1.7.2 (We always update our bukkit as fast as possible, so you can always play on the lastest version)
Offline-Mode : True
Passwords: True
Whitelist : Off
Pvp : PvP is on but there will be no random killing eachother
Worlds/Locations :  Spawn/Lobby,  (closed due bugs) City,  Survival,  Plots  =|= And Coming Soon: PVP, (maybe) Agodian Wars, Many (Mini-)Games, More...
Website and Forum: We're rebuilding it here: http://www.MeinCraftPvP.tk (http://www.meincraftpvp.tk)
Radio: http://www.BigBassRadio.de (http://www.bigbassradio.de)
Main language: German

CHRONICALS MC is a project of CHRONICALSde (CHRONICALSde gets no money for the projects). It was running for 2 years now but 5 months ago we had to stop because of to high costs. Now we're beginning from the beginning.
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on November 07, 2013, 10:56:56 AM
Quote from: d3min3r on November 06, 2013, 08:20:33 PM
Uptime : 24/7
Server Ip : play.chronicals.de
Slots: 150
Version: 1.7.2 (We always update our bukkit as fast as possible, so you can always play on the lastest version)
Offline-Mode : True
Passwords: True
Whitelist : Off
Pvp : PvP is on but there will be no random killing eachother
Worlds/Locations :  Spawn/Lobby,  (closed due bugs) City,  Survival,  Plots  =|= And Coming Soon: PVP, (maybe) Agodian Wars, Many (Mini-)Games, More...
Website and Forum: We're rebuilding it here: http://www.MeinCraftPvP.tk (http://www.meincraftpvp.tk)
Radio: http://www.BigBassRadio.de (http://www.bigbassradio.de)
Main language: German

CHRONICALS MC is a project of CHRONICALSde (CHRONICALSde gets no money for the projects). It was running for 2 years now but 5 months ago we had to stop because of to high costs. Now we're beginning from the beginning.

Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: xAddict3Dx on February 04, 2014, 02:29:46 PM
One Question: what is considered 'acceptable' for downtime/maintenance?
Title: Re: [Official] Apply to have your server in my client
Post by: Kaise123 on February 04, 2014, 07:07:54 PM
Quote from: xAddict3Dx on February 04, 2014, 02:29:46 PM
One Question: what is considered 'acceptable' for downtime/maintenance?

Above 85% uptime over 6 months on average is what I would call the threshold. If you have good reasons for more downtime, than please include them and I'll consider it.
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