Kaise123's Forums

Minecraft => Mods and Launchers => Topic started by: xAddict3Dx on September 30, 2013, 06:45:03 AM

Question: Who (and how many) have you introduced to my launcher? (leave a comment)
Option 1: Just myself
Option 2: Myself and my brother/sister/relatives
Option 3: Myself and some friends of mine
Option 4: Myself and my classmates
Option 5: Other, namely... (write it in the comments)
Title: [11-02-2019] copyitright's Updatable "cracked" Minecraft Launcher (new release!)
Post by: xAddict3Dx on September 30, 2013, 06:45:03 AM

copyitright's Updatable "cracked" Minecraft Launcher
:: Play ALL Minecraft Versions! No Crack Needed/Always up-to-date! ::


After a REALLY long time of absence i've decided to revive this topic with some major update info.

My launcher has gone through some massive makeovers (mostly behind-the-scene/under-the-hood changes).

I'll just quote the recent changelog info for everyone's convenience:


  * Resolved a returning notifications bug that slipped back into builds starting from 02092019-1542
    Users were getting UNABLE TO RETRIEVE UPDATE INFORMATION, even if they had notifications disabled

  * Updated Installer/Portable version on website to build 01112019-0055

  (01-11-2019 @ 00:55 CET)

  * Improved the Updater code by using two different DDNS addresses,
    instead of the VERY often unreachable host *.minecraftnoob.com

  * Resolved a minor (but perhaps annoying) inconvenience where previously signed in DEMO users
    were presented with a PLAY DEMO button, after having created/added a cracked player profile

(20-10-2019 @ 21:14 CEST)

  Hello again! Finally, the long awaited (sarcasm?) update is ready to be released to the public! Enjoy!

  * 'Auth (un)blocker' is no longer needed and has left the stage for 'HOSTS File Fixer' (an explanation is available inside the program)

  * 'Change Playername' also left, because now there's 'Add Player'!

  * Updated CURL to version 7.66.0

  * Many global script optimizations (reducing filesize of Launcher)

  * Updated Installer/Portable version on website to build 02092019-1542


    You are no longer required to register a free Mojang account, or to even (un)block the Auth server.

   (https://media.giphy.com/media/DYH297XiCS2Ck/giphy.gif) (https://media.giphy.com/media/rjkJD1v80CjYs/giphy.gif)


    But don't just take my word for it...

    Here (https://youtu.be/DwhRcSoXZyo) is some actual (video) proof to see it for yourself

    (yes you dummy, you're supposed to click the word 'Here' in the sentence above...)


• The official Minecraft launcher (and Minecraft) don't need to be cracked.
• Because nothing has to be cracked, legitimate players can also use this
• Because of the above my launcher is 100% compatible with your current mods
• No DEMO version that only lasts 5 ingame days (about 1 hour and 40 minutes of real time)
• Play any Minecraft version that has been released, including the latest snapshots
• Online Multiplayer (without a purchased game only on "cracked" servers)
• Offline and LAN playable (requires a successful startup of the game)
• Modding of game is possible (for support, visit the mod's official website)
• You can create/add multiple "cracked" users at any given time
• Non-legitimate players can set an UUID player skin
• You can set different colors for the launcher
• Optional random message function with each launcher start (multi-line supported)
• Built-in launcher updater (easily update my launcher to the latest version)
• Toggleable update notifications (stay informed about important changes)
• Optional automatic launcher updates (result affected by User Account Control)
• The launcher has been tested under Windows 10 x64, but is supposed to work under 7/8(.1) also

~> VIDEO <~

New "cracked" Minecraft Launcher (2019) (https://youtu.be/1oLY4prDrdw)


Launcher installer
(will be added soon)

The Launcher

HOSTS File Fixer

Launcher Updater
(will be added soon)

Official Minecraft Launcher


(the title/menu screen logo/text and changed main menu music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKHGUqMJbvU) is part of my resourcepack)

Joo2oob a.k.a. born4trance - Forgotten Past (Memories) - 2015 [Unfinished] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKHGUqMJbvU)


See top/beginning of this post


www.playfreeminecraft.nl (https://www.playfreeminecraft.nl) | www.minecraftlauncher.nl (https://www.minecraftlauncher.nl) | www.getfreeminecraft.nl (https://www.getfreeminecraft.nl) | www.minecraft4free.nl (https://www.minecraft4free.nl) | www.copyitright.nl (https://www.copyitright.nl) | web.minecraftnoob.com (http://web.minecraftnoob.com) (often down)

(https://i.imgur.com/PH0PNk1.png) (https://discord.gg/4xHvdYG)
(no account required)

Last but not least: Let me know what you think by posting a comment, below! ;)

Best regards and happy Minecrafting,
xAddict3Dx alias copyitright 8)
Title: Re: copyitright's Semi-Portable and Updatable Minecraft Launcher (no crack needed!)
Post by: Kaise123 on September 30, 2013, 05:07:46 PM
For anyone who was wondering, I've checked this out and it works well. It's also clean of viruses/malware.
Title: Re: copyitright's Semi-Portable and Updatable Minecraft Launcher (no crack needed!)
Post by: xAddict3Dx on October 01, 2013, 09:21:40 AM
Thanks! I also uploaded some screenshots :)

Oh, can you make it a 'sticky'?  :-*
Title: Re: copyitright's Semi-Portable and Updatable Minecraft Launcher (no crack needed!)
Post by: Michael5017 on October 01, 2013, 03:22:19 PM
It looks very nice, except im not going to use mods :3 Im just here for the updated launcher cuz Sparamoule didnt update it to 1.2.1
Anyways, good job.

Also, include a list of mods, updates, and other stuff like in kaises topic of his own modded MC.

AAAND... You got some skills with batch..
Title: Re: copyitright's Semi-Portable and Updatable Minecraft Launcher (no crack needed!)
Post by: Kaise123 on October 01, 2013, 08:54:03 PM
Quote from: xAddict3Dx on October 01, 2013, 09:21:40 AM
Thanks! I also uploaded some screenshots :)

Oh, can you make it a 'sticky'?  :-*

Quote from: Michael5017 on October 01, 2013, 03:22:19 PM
It looks very nice, except im not going to use mods :3 Im just here for the updated launcher cuz Sparamoule didnt update it to 1.2.1
Anyways, good job.

Also, include a list of mods, updates, and other stuff like in kaises topic of his own modded MC.

AAAND... You got some skills with batch..

You don't need 1.2.1. 1.1.1 works fine for 1.6.4 as well, Launchers very rarely need updating (I've only ever changed Cracked launchers twice since Minecraft Alpha 1.3 or so.
Title: Re: copyitright's Semi-Portable and Updatable Minecraft Launcher (no crack needed!)
Post by: xAddict3Dx on October 02, 2013, 12:03:04 AM
Quote from: Michael5017 on October 01, 2013, 03:22:19 PM
It looks very nice, except im not going to use mods :3 Im just here for the updated launcher cuz Sparamoule didnt update it to 1.2.1
Anyways, good job.

Also, include a list of mods, updates, and other stuff like in kaises topic of his own modded MC.

AAAND... You got some skills with batch..
Hey Michael :)

I plan on updating my post if i find the time.
I won't test all mods that are available (not using any mods myself), but i've already tested Forge and Optifine (not installed them on top of each other yet) and made a video on how to install Forge:

http://youtu.be/DEr_V5WUBZY (http://youtu.be/DEr_V5WUBZY)

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Quote from: Kaise123 on October 01, 2013, 08:54:03 PM
Yay! :)

Quote from: Kaise123 on October 01, 2013, 08:54:03 PM
You don't need 1.2.1. 1.1.1 works fine for 1.6.4 as well, Launchers very rarely need updating (I've only ever changed Cracked launchers twice since Minecraft Alpha 1.3 or so.
Even though the latest updates to the launcher arent considered 'ground-breaking', they DO include useful/welcomed behind-the-scene (or call it: under-the-hood) fixes/optimisations ;)
Title: Re: copyitright's Semi-Portable and Updatable Minecraft Launcher (no crack needed!)
Post by: Michael5017 on October 02, 2013, 02:27:19 AM
Quote from: xAddict3Dx on October 02, 2013, 12:03:04 AM
Quote from: Michael5017 on October 01, 2013, 03:22:19 PM
It looks very nice, except im not going to use mods :3 Im just here for the updated launcher cuz Sparamoule didnt update it to 1.2.1
Anyways, good job.

Also, include a list of mods, updates, and other stuff like in kaises topic of his own modded MC.

AAAND... You got some skills with batch..
Hey Michael :)

I plan on updating my post if i find the time.
I won't test all mods that are available (not using any mods myself), but i've already tested Forge and Optifine (not installed them on top of each other yet) and made a video on how to install Forge:

http://youtu.be/DEr_V5WUBZY (http://youtu.be/DEr_V5WUBZY)

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Quote from: Kaise123 on October 01, 2013, 08:54:03 PM
Yay! :)

Quote from: Kaise123 on October 01, 2013, 08:54:03 PM
You don't need 1.2.1. 1.1.1 works fine for 1.6.4 as well, Launchers very rarely need updating (I've only ever changed Cracked launchers twice since Minecraft Alpha 1.3 or so.
Even though the latest updates to the launcher arent considered 'ground-breaking', they DO include useful/welcomed behind-the-scene (or call it: under-the-hood) fixes/optimisations ;)

Well... i dont need to know how to install forge, cuz i already know it...
PS: Ik hou van je nederlandse server :3 (TRANSLATION FOR OTHER PEOPLE: I <3 your dutch server :3)
Title: Re: Play ALL Minecraft Versions! No Crack Needed/Always up-to-date! [also Portable]
Post by: xAddict3Dx on February 04, 2014, 01:44:20 PM
Better late than never.. I've updated the OP with new screenshots, two videos and some changelog info! ;-)
Title: Re: Play ALL Minecraft Versions! No Crack Needed/Always up-to-date! [also Portable]
Post by: Kaise123 on February 04, 2014, 07:05:55 PM
Quote from: xAddict3Dx on February 04, 2014, 01:44:20 PM
Better late than never.. I've updated the OP with two new videos and some changelog info! ;-)

Title: Re: Play ALL Minecraft Versions! No Crack Needed/Always up-to-date! [Semi-Portable]
Post by: xAddict3Dx on March 25, 2014, 10:45:53 AM
Hello everyone!

I've released a new version of my launcher, with the following changes/additions:

+ Added 'Set Playername' (.cmd) and (installer) shortcut to be able to change in-game playernames without having to edit a file

+ 'Auth (un)blocker' will now show a status-summary of the Auth-server blocking-state and Account Mode if the script is run without elevated (administrator) privileges

+ Added 'easter egg' for copyitright 'impersonators'

+ Added a 'support' folder and installer shortcut with two URLs in it

- Removed 'Support @ TeamSpeak' (.cmd/.htm)

* Updated documentation and installers

Enjoy and i would love to get some feedback =P

- copyitright
Title: Re: Play ALL Minecraft Versions! No Crack Needed/Always up-to-date! [Semi-Portable]
Post by: xAddict3Dx on July 31, 2014, 01:14:23 PM
~> Update News! <~

  (31-07-2014 @ 00:35)

* Updated launcher_profiles(.json) format for "breaking" Minecraft Launcher 1.4.7 update
   to resolve a resetting launcher-profile if you changed some settings at "Edit Profile"

   (with this update existing "Offline-mode" profiles will go lost)

+ Seperate launcher profiles for Online- and Offline- mode (legitimate users: no more losing your profiles)

* Changed Auth-server blocking-check method (no more depending on IPCONFIG and DNS Client-service)

- Removed steve.png from my resourcepack due to incompatibility with 1.8 snapshots

+ Changed default skin for Offline-mode players (only visible for yourself)

   (want another skin? Open 'launcher_profiles' with Notepad++ and change the UUID to 0-0-0-0-0 )
   (for the Steve-skin, or enter the UUID of another player: http://connorlinfoot.com/uuid/ (http://connorlinfoot.com/uuid/) )

+ Added profile-version and launcher-mode statistics

* Made many (background) improvements to "Auth (un)blocker.cmd" and "Minecraft Portable.cmd"

Enjoy ~!~
Title: Re: Update 31-07-2014 @ 00:35
Post by: creempuff on August 01, 2014, 02:21:14 AM
First, I love this launcher and your work in batch language!

I've noticed after this latest update 31-07-2014 @ 00:35, that my character skin has changed.  I had previously modified the steve.png in the version jar file to change my skin, but now its different and the only thing that's changed is the updated launcher.  Does anyone know why this might be happening, and how I can change back to my own custom skin?

I do not currently have a legitimate MC account, if this makes a difference.

Thank you Copyitright / xAddict3Dx !!!
Title: Re: Update 31-07-2014 @ 00:35
Post by: xAddict3Dx on August 01, 2014, 10:49:11 PM
Quote from: creempuff on August 01, 2014, 02:21:14 AM
First, I love this launcher and your work in batch language!
Thank You :-)

Quote from: creempuff on August 01, 2014, 02:21:14 AMI've noticed after this latest update 31-07-2014 @ 00:35, that my character skin has changed.  I had previously modified the steve.png in the version jar file to change my skin, but now its different and the only thing that's changed is the updated launcher.  Does anyone know why this might be happening, and how I can change back to my own custom skin?

I do not currently have a legitimate MC account, if this makes a difference.

Thank you Copyitright / xAddict3Dx !!!
Oopsie! I forgot to mention/add the below entry to the changelog:

+ Changed default skin for Offline-mode players (only visible for yourself)

   (want another skin? Open 'launcher_profiles' with Notepad++ and change the UUID to 0-0-0-0-0 )
   (for the Steve-skin, or enter the UUID of another player: http://connorlinfoot.com/uuid/ (http://connorlinfoot.com/uuid/) )

This is happening because the launcher encounters a valid UUID in 'launcher_profiles' (.json) that's from a legitimate player who uploaded a skin (valid UUID's overrule a jar/resourcepack modified steve.png, given that the Authentication servers are working ;) )

To revert back to your own skin (or default Steve skin), right-click on the 'Minecraft Portable' shortcut > open the file's location > navigate into the '.minecraft' folder > open the file 'launcher_profiles' using notepad++ (regular notepad works as well but everything will show up on one line) and replace the UUID (long string with the dashes) with 0-0-0-0-0 and save the changes.

Sorry for the confusion and please report back if you encounter any other problems/issues.

Kind regards and...
HaPPy Minecrafting! 8)
Title: Re: Update 31-07-2014 @ 00:35
Post by: creempuff on August 02, 2014, 10:50:25 AM
To revert back to your own skin (or default Steve skin), right-click on the 'Minecraft Portable' shortcut > open the file's location > navigate into the '.minecraft' folder > open the file 'launcher_profiles' using notepad++ (regular notepad works as well but everything will show up on one line) and replace the UUID (long string with the dashes) with 0-0-0-0-0 and save the changes.

Great info and an easy fix!  This worked perfectly.  Thank you for the quick reply!
Title: Re: Update 31-07-2014 @ 00:35
Post by: xAddict3Dx on August 03, 2014, 05:34:10 AM
Quote from: creempuff on August 02, 2014, 10:50:25 AM
To revert back to your own skin (or default Steve skin), right-click on the 'Minecraft Portable' shortcut > open the file's location > navigate into the '.minecraft' folder > open the file 'launcher_profiles' using notepad++ (regular notepad works as well but everything will show up on one line) and replace the UUID (long string with the dashes) with 0-0-0-0-0 and save the changes.

Great info and an easy fix!  This worked perfectly.  Thank you for the quick reply!
You're welcome!  :D
Title: Re: Play ALL Minecraft Versions! No Crack Needed/Always up-to-date! [Semi-Portable]
Post by: xAddict3Dx on August 12, 2014, 09:13:16 AM
A small update (i still have to update the screenshots...):

(11-08-2014 @ 18:50) - 'HELP THE NOOB' UPDATE

* Fixed Online-mode statistics

+ Added a Quickstart explanation to 'iNFO' (.txt) and dutch ReadMe (LeesMij)

+ Added (dutch) explanation about Minecraft 1.7.6+ skins/capes to 'skins en capes' (.txt)

An english Quickstart explanation can be found in iNFO.txt, which can be found in the zip archive.
As for the skins/capes you should consult the ChangeLog file WhatsNew.txt

~ HaPPy MiNeCr@fTiNg!  ;)
Title: Re: Play ALL Minecraft Versions! No Crack Needed/Always up-to-date! [Semi-Portable]
Post by: xAddict3Dx on September 27, 2014, 11:23:26 AM
Hey there  ;)

Still haven't had the time to update the OP with new screenshots but instead there's something else you may/might like:

  (27-09-2014 @ 02:32)

+ Added new statistics for junction.exe (symbolic linking)
   (and secretly resolved another bug for my beloved Windows XP users)

  (23-09-2014 @ 03:10) - THE INVISIBLE UPDATE

* Just pretend as if you're not seeing this update,
   i apparently still overlooked something...

  (22-09-2014 @ 23:10)

* Apparently a lot of people were experiencing problems with the previous update
   After some intensive testing certain things indeed didn't work as expected

   As far as i could test these issues are now solved

   Changes: http://i.imgur.com/kjn5lYW.png (http://i.imgur.com/kjn5lYW.png) (left: new / right: old)

   Because the problems are diverse, i recommend you to down-
   load the new installer from http://web.minecraftnoob.com (http://web.minecraftnoob.com)

   Apologies for the inconvenience! (Google translate FTW :p)

  (21-09-2014 @ 13:32)

+ Made the launcher compatible for MODS that can only be installed when Minecraft is located on the default map location (%APPDATA%\.minecraft\)

   To make this possible i've made use of the command line tool "Junction" (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896768.aspx (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896768.aspx))
   It will trick MODS by creating a virtual ".minecraft" folder in "%APPDATA%" which points to "Minecraft Portable (copyitright)\.minecraft\".

   NOTE: an already existing "%APPDATA%\.minecraft" folder will be deleted without question and replaced by the virtual folder

I'll also added a Poll (for teh giggles) and voted "Other, namely..." for obvious reasons.

Thanks for your time reading this and as always...
HaPPy Minecrafting!  ;D
Title: Re: Play ALL Minecraft Versions! No Crack Needed/Always up-to-date! [Semi-Portable]
Post by: xAddict3Dx on January 26, 2015, 04:43:16 PM
Hello again... how's everyone doing ;-)

After a long time of absence i noticed certain things could need an update, so without further ado.. here are the missing changelog notes:

  (11-11-2014 @ 03:03)

+ A "backup" notice will be shown if the launcher encounters
   an "original" .minecraft folder on the standard location

* Further improved/optimised the "symbolic link" code

  (10-11-2014 @ 02:38)

* Solved a problem in regards to junctions (symbolic links)

+ Added a warning for when the launcher is run from within ".minecraft\"

* Grammatical improvements for some messages (thanks Alcatraz and Tappie78!)

+ Updated cURL to version 7.39.0

On a side-note: I somehow can't embed YouTube videos anymore. Is this normal?
Title: Re: Play ALL Minecraft Versions! No Crack Needed/Always up-to-date! [Semi-Portable]
Post by: Kaise123 on January 27, 2015, 12:31:19 PM
Yes, the YouTube embed doesn't work correctly at the moment. The developer of the mod hasn't updated it in a while so I'll have to have a bit of a look into fixing it.
Title: Re: Play ALL Minecraft Versions! No Crack Needed/Always up-to-date! [Semi-Portable]
Post by: xAddict3Dx on March 20, 2015, 05:00:57 AM
NOTE: Just letting you people know i won't be updating OP again due to lack of time to update documentation on multiple webites.

My advice is to keep "update notifications" enabled to be informed of new versions of my launcher or by visiting my website.

Sorry for the inconvenience, if any.

Title: Re: copyitright's Portable Updatable Minecraft Launcher
Post by: xAddict3Dx on June 03, 2016, 12:44:17 AM
Hello boys and girls, after being absent for over a YEAR i've come back with an UPDATE!  :)

(01-06-2016 @ 16:55)

* Updated curl to version 7.49.1 (SSL) due to server-sided changes (con: filesize increased from ~500KB to  ~2,6MB)

+ Added NoobXtreme Minecraft server to the serverlist

+ WhatsNew.txt has been replaced by WhatsNew.htm (so navigatable and with clickable URLs)

* TeamSpeak and IRC (support) shortcuts have been replaced by Discord (https://discord.gg/0tgh87h826yiUzOI)

* "Minecraft Portable.cmd" Cleanup (~27KB > ~25KB)

* Updated "copyitright.zip" resourcepack for Minecraft 1.9.x

Check OP for more details (updated screenshots and downloads) and as always...


- xAddict3Dx a.k.a. copyitright
Title: Re: [UPDATED] copyitright's Portable Updatable Minecraft Launcher [UPDATED]
Post by: wrenhal on June 13, 2016, 07:39:27 AM
Not sure if anyone can help me, but How do you apply a player skin to steve or alex using this launcher on a single player game?  I placed a resource pack that had a replacement for both and all the textures apply, but not the default player skins.
Title: Re: [UPDATED] copyitright's Portable Updatable Minecraft Launcher [UPDATED]
Post by: xAddict3Dx on March 15, 2017, 04:12:07 PM
Quote from: wrenhal on June 13, 2016, 07:39:27 AM
Not sure if anyone can help me, but How do you apply a player skin to steve or alex using this launcher on a single player game?  I placed a resource pack that had a replacement for both and all the textures apply, but not the default player skins.

Well, talking about being late :+) (hopefully the staff doesn't mind me buming an old thread.. it's the only thread i have)

You probably won't see this anymore but a custom player skin ONLY works when the UUID of your player (a long number string you find in .minecraft\launcher_profiles.json) is set to repeating 0's.

Like so:

  "authenticationDatabase": {
    "God": {
      "username": "Are you having problems with the launcher? Drop me a line @ [url]https://discord.gg/hx325hd[/url]",
      "profiles": {
        "00000000000000000000000000000000": {
          "displayName": "God"

Be sure to typ 32 0's and not something else,
only THEN you'll be able to see your custom player skin.

When the UUID isn't all 0's, the custom player skin will be overridden by a legitimate player skin (if available).
And if no legitimate user account (or skin) exists, you'll get the boring Steve or Alex skin.

To show you that it works, here's some proof:


Let me know if it worked out for you (or anyone else experiencing the same issue).

I also might consider updating OP again with some new info, it's been a while and a lot of stuff has changed in the meantime (yes my launcher is still alive and kicking ;-) ).
Title: Re: [10-20-2019] copyitright's Updatable "cracked" Minecraft Launcher (new release!)
Post by: xAddict3Dx on October 28, 2019, 06:53:50 AM
After a REALLY long time of absence i've decided to revive this topic with some major update info.

My launcher has gone through some massive makeovers (mostly behind-the-scene/under-the-hood changes).

I'll just quote the recent changelog info for everyone's convenience:

(20-10-2019 @ 21:14 CEST)

  Hello again! Finally, the long awaited (sarcasm?) update is ready to be released to the public! Enjoy!

  * 'Auth (un)blocker' is no longer needed and has left the stage for 'HOSTS File Fixer' (an explanation is available inside the program)

  * 'Change Playername' also left, because now there's 'Add Player'!

  * Updated CURL to version 7.66.0

  * Many global script optimizations (reducing filesize of Launcher)

  * Updated Installer/Portable version on website to build 02092019-1542


    You are no longer required to register a free Mojang account, or to even (un)block the Auth server.

   (https://media.giphy.com/media/DYH297XiCS2Ck/giphy.gif) (https://media.giphy.com/media/rjkJD1v80CjYs/giphy.gif)


    But don't just take my word for it...

    Here (https://youtu.be/DwhRcSoXZyo) is some actual (video) proof to see it for yourself

    (yes you dummy, you're supposed to click the word 'Here' in the sentence above...)

See OP for more info (and downloads)!  ;)
Title: Re: [11-02-2019] copyitright's Updatable "cracked" Minecraft Launcher (new release!)
Post by: xAddict3Dx on November 05, 2019, 01:57:47 PM
OP updated!
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