Kaise123's Forums

'KCv2' Minecraft Server => General Info => Topic started by: Kaise123 on October 06, 2013, 07:24:06 PM

Title: Recent and Upcoming/Possible Server Changes
Post by: Kaise123 on October 06, 2013, 07:24:06 PM
I'm making this topic to provide a place where any accepted suggestions, changes 'in the works', ideas floating around, severe changes to existing server features and also additions of plugins.

- Added 'BattleTracker' plugin. [LINK] (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/battletracker/)
- Changeover: Essentials Chat to MChat.
- Added 'BattleArena' Plugin [LINK] (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/battlearena/)

- Legendary Weapons


- Staff ranking system overhaul - Based on levelling system. Scheduled around the 13th of October.

Not all ideas/points here will be added. They are just the ideas currently being discussed by staff. While most of them will be implemented, Don't necesarily rely on all of them.
Title: Re: Recent and Upcoming/Possible Server Changes
Post by: Zlexy on October 07, 2013, 11:02:28 AM
I'll make a public post about the new leveling system within staff nearer the staff meeting date, and how this will affect/help you players that plan to apply for staff positions.

EDIT: I'll make it as soon as possible, however expect it to chop and change alot, especially after the meeting.
Title: Re: Recent and Upcoming/Possible Server Changes
Post by: Kaise123 on October 08, 2013, 12:38:03 AM
BattleArena Has also been added, Pending correct permissions and configuration however.

In other news, MCMMO fishing has been nerfed. The chances of getting diamond via fishing perks is now much lower, and once you reach level 2000 in fishing you get 100% chance of getting the 'Shake' perk.
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