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Messages - MeadowLyric

Citizen Applications / Citizen app.
October 21, 2013, 05:57:13 AM

How long ive been playing-
About 3, 4 months

Why do i want this rank-
Cause i've worked so hard for it! Plus i really wanna be able to help... I've noticed that alot of guests get miss treated and forgotten and well i want to be citizen so i can join Facs... So i want this rank so i can help people and have more access to things




                                                                                                                Plz accept, From Meadow Lyric
Denied Staff / Give me the rank PLZ
October 17, 2013, 03:30:15 AM
MeadowLyric is my ing

i dont have is lame

related ones, um i have 3brothers, a mother, and two my dumb sister GamerGirl6834

i dont know any commands cuz you people wont give me citizen nor builder!!!!

i want this rank becuz my sister tryed out for moderator and um FAILED,... so i want to show her im 100times better then her by getting staff

extra info-------- Im 10years old, birthday April 16, i live in oklahoma but moving in with my step dad in Noth Dakota becuz me and my sister cant get along and when mom found out i ruined brylee's moderator app. she desided i couldnt stay..... i go to school :D unlike my sister shes an antisocial bitch with no class that is homeschooled.... but anyway i think im awesome enough to get this rank!!!! so um u people better give me it!!!! or i will be so pissed... brylee says you have to be nice and friendly and care for others to get this rank well i dont give a shit!! i wont the rank and i want it know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Citizen Applications / i would love to be a citizen
September 13, 2013, 10:25:33 AM
 :P :P :P :P :P Hey Im MeadowLyric (my ign) I've been playing for atlest a week or two. i wanna be a citizen cause my sister GamerGirl6834 was a citizen and she seemed soooo cool :3 and i wanna be able to help people like she did :D

my bed

my fridge :3

my living room

ps GamerGirl6834 will be making an Engineer app. in a little bit :3 just a little heads up