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Messages - The_impaler_1

Accepted Staff / The_Impaler_1 Mod App.
December 23, 2012, 04:46:55 PM
Joseph J. Schnaebele


Joseph_the_impaler    <----- only if i know you in game or out of game...

i try to play at lest 3 to 5 hrs a day...4 to 6 days a week.

Old Kaisecraft:
My IGN was Impaler_1 and I played for 1 month. then i lost my back now and not looking back..

Forums Knowledge:
I am a Administrator on the darkcraft, and was on jessuocraft forums. I know all basic and most of the advanced functions of Moderating the forums, including how to Lock, Create, Modify, ban and ipban.     

Well i started in servercraft back in the day, then went to Kingscraft which went to --> jessuocraft..there i left with head admin, When they ran out of money and had to close.. then i started on retrievercraft as a mod then they got there host hacked, then went to CRYSISCRAFT as a mod then they went under,  then i started in on Darkcraft or dark fire online started as a admin then it went prem. and i only have i lost that im on lucrations as a admin... but its gitting kind of hard when the owner is never on......

Most of the players from Jessuocraft or Darkcraft will know me...i was a far admin i don't abuse the rules or players...

Additional Information:
I'm 22 years old and I live in Illinois , USA.  I have a bad broken back so i dont get out much.. So i sit most of the day away...English is my only language. I know most of the commands, which include, World Guard, World Edit, and Towny. I played Minecraft for over 1.5 years now. I try to help all i can but im only one guy and i cant help every lest at the same time. Having the experience of working so many servers, I think I would make a good Moderator or Admin on KCV2.

Have a good time of day...
Introductions / HELLO.....its impaler
December 23, 2012, 03:58:25 PM
Well its been WAY to long..but im back from where ever i im here now

im Joseph_the_impaler      some of you know me as Impaler_1

im 22 years old and a LONG time player i have been a protector ,mod, admin , and A HEAD ADMIN..i build EPIC things mostly castles and i have been on this server for along time befor the reset like 6 to 8 months ago i for it was along time from jessuocraft..but its no longer what it was in the now i have a new home.....

im looking forwerd to helping the server in most ways i i know how to protect..not just point and click...i know the World Edits commands too + admin commands if i could i could be a big help with the server..and some of your mods and admins?(i dont know if they are admins anymore) but some of your mods know me..and can tell you guys how cool i am or was...