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Messages - mariofil

Denied Staff / Applying for [Moderator]
February 05, 2013, 11:59:29 PM
My nickname is mariofil , i want be a moderator because i love my buildings ,and i wotn to help other peoples, i played this server about 3 mount"s ,my skype name is zvanimario and my friends on server ivana ,Hernandezz ,GoranCro ,they tell all about me :D
Denied Staff / How to be a Moderator
February 02, 2013, 06:46:44 PM
Hy , my nickname is mariofil , i played this server about 3 mount"s, i"m active on server , i want to build ,and i want to help other people to build ,i have a skype and my skype name is zvanimario , i build many buildings and when i become a moderator i build  much more things and buildings :D
Denied Staff / I want be a moderator
January 23, 2013, 06:14:17 AM
My nickname is mariofil,i played this server about 3 mount"s, my skype name is zvanimario,i wont be a mod because i wont to help other builders,citizens,and guests,please i"w been a very good moderator ,i played this server all days in week ,so please give me a mod. :D
Help & Support / Help, please.
January 19, 2013, 07:31:23 AM
Hi, my IGN is Mariofil. I was recently muted for talking foreign language in minecraft chat.
I think that this is unfair because I was just helping my mate that is not good at English.
And also he is new at Minecraft, so he still don't know how to use private messages.
I promise that such thing wont happen again.

I hope that you will understand, and that I will be unmuted soon.

Thanks for reading, and your time.
