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Messages - imran

Accepted Staff / Re: Application For Staff Rank
July 16, 2013, 11:56:14 PM
Archived Reports / Re: Greif
June 17, 2013, 10:14:46 PM
greifing again -_-
Archived Reports / Greif
June 17, 2013, 10:10:02 PM
Procola is GREFING someone Rollercoaster
Archived Reports / HELP!!!!
May 23, 2013, 10:13:35 PM
Osama and revenger suddenly came to my fac base.I don't know how they come to my fac base :(.Help
Other / Fishing
May 03, 2013, 07:41:19 PM
My fishing skill is:1000. :D
Archived Reports / Greif Report
March 21, 2013, 01:42:58 PM
My parkour have been greif by someone. :(
Denied Staff / Re: applying for moderator
March 15, 2013, 01:50:57 AM
Thx beastman xD
Denied Staff / applying for moderator
March 14, 2013, 11:46:29 PM


ohman255 fell free to add me.

My Kaisecraft experience:
I've never played the first version of Kaisecraft . I online everyday except when i have exams, with 3 hour of playing.

Activity before Kaisecraft:
I play at spartan server.You may Not Known That server.I was V.I.P at that server :D. First It a Cracked server Than his GF broke his PC :P.Than He change The server To premium.Then I  found Kaisecraft :D

Forums Knowledge:
Like other moderator (error223)
I'm well-known to many players and have never treated anyone wrongly and I have always followed the server rules kind of.

Who am I?
I am From Malaysia.I am a Malay,If people Speak In malay i can speak to them to use Msg.My age is 13.Also I can speak in english too.I play  Gta I,II and III.I am also a fan Of AssassinCreed,I play Warcraft Online,SuddenAttack and other :P.If people Need help just call me :P.

I have a good knowledge of world Edit, and a basic knowledge of LogBlock.

Thank you for reading my application!


imran12,if you like/hate.If you like i appreciated it :D,if don't :'(