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Citizen Applications / Citizen Rank please ...
October 16, 2013, 09:14:48 PM
hello , my real name is Gosti ... im 14 year's old
my ign is skr8erace1
ive been playing here since , maybe 4 days ....

* why i wanted to be a citizen ?

i have 3 reason

1.i wanted to have more command in survival , cause im guest and have limited command
2.i can spawn more thing , especially food , and wood
3.i can join a faction  :D ( i wanted to join Zenentrick )


for my application , ive made a quartz mansion .. 20 x 30
i got the quartz from Skyshop ( owner Night_Fury )
and he also help me a lot to build this mansion

thats all , thank you ^ ^

some screen shot