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Topics - TJ Bürkes

Archived Reports / Ban Report - w8ker
June 25, 2013, 01:23:27 PM
Player: w8ker
Ban Time: 15d
Reason: Griefed an entire home!

Name: TJ Bürkes

IGN: Analogue

Age: 22 3/4, to be exact.

Skype: tjburkes.analogue

Intro/About me: I was born from a German family, hence my last name. Yet, Im a citizen of the US since the dawn of my birth. I grew up in a poorer family than most, and still today Im leaning more towards the lower class of the US system. I went to school for a total of 10 years before dropping out due to family. In that 10 years, Ive learned the proper way to write/type grammatically correct and do a nice bit of math. I used to be the manager of a motorbike shop not too far from where I live, but those times changed and I found myself laid off because the owner was a complete moron and laid off at least 5 people of the 15 that were working there. Since then, Ive met my old friend Hijana and he showed me to this server, which I enjoy quite a lot!

Activity: Though most of you dont know me, I went on a bit of a break from the server for about 3-4 months since my last application due to work issues (me trying to get a job). I'm back now, though, and will be as active as I possibly can (considering the US work hours for me are 700 to 17(30)). I plan to be online during weekdays and maybe weekends if time allows me.

  • Before KaiseCraftv2
    - Well, before KCv2 I really never heard of the game Minecraft other than from some buddies talking about it at work. So, before KC I really didn't play Minecraft...except for the times that I played mDynamics, whom I really hate right now. I was pretty well known on there and I achieved the rank of Master before quitting due to their idiotic owner.

  • On KaiseCraftv2
    - I started playing around December of last year, maybe November (I cant remember, it feels like its been so long). I was considered partially active because mainly, I was never online due to work issues. I, however, was able to keep playing KC and achieve the rank of Builder. After I got the rank, my life started to fall apart quick, leaving me no choice but to become inactive for about 3 months, as stated before.

Forum Knowledge: The BB coded forums were taught to me by Hijana, since Im more used to html. I am generally considered a very friendly character on the forums, and will speak the truth if need be.

Commands: I know just about every command, excluding some bits of residence...However, I can be easily taught that

/region define - Defines a region and enables it to be protected
/region redefine - Re-defines the region selected into the new shape or area just in case you miscalculated on the regions parameters.
/region info - Looks up information for the WorldGuard you are standing in or a name of a protection provided
/region list - Lists the protections in a given world
/region addowner - Adds an owner to a region provided.
/region removeowner - The opposite of addowner
/region addmember - Same function as addowner, except it adds a member to the protection instead of a full owner
/region removemember - The opposite of addmember
/region setpriority - The priority is how the members of the protection have access. The higher the number, the less ability they have
/region flag - Sets a flag for a selected region
/region setparent - Sets the parent of a child protection, mainly used in towns or villages
/region teleport - Teleports you to a specified region if needed.

//set - Sets the selected points into a certain block according to what you type in
//undo - Undoes the previous action given by //set
//redo - Redoes the action that you //undid
//copy - Copies the selected region
//cut - Cuts out the selected region to permanently place it somewhere else until you select it again
//expand - Expands the region to the direction you are looking by how many blocks you put into the parameters (Alt. Give a direction instead of looking that direction)
//contract - Contracts the region to the direction you are looking by how many blocks you put into the parameters (Alt. Give a direction instead of looking that direction)
//shift - Moves the selections region but not the contents
//desel - Deselects the current selection
//pos1 - Sets position one where youre standing
//pos2 - Sets position two where youre standing
//hpos1 - Sets position one to the block youre looking at
//hpos2 - Sets position two to the block youre looking at
//wand - Gives you the wand tool
//replace - Replaces the selection with the block ID you give
//size - Tells you the size of the region youve selected
//overlay - Places a block ID atop other blocks in the selected region
//walls - Builds walls inside a region
//outline - Basically does the same as //walls, except it includes a ceiling and floor
//move - Moves the selected regions contents in the direction you look or give
//hollow - Hollows out the selected regions and their blocks
//rotate - Rotate the selection based on the degree measurement you give
//flip - Virtually the same as //rotate, except you flip it upside down or left-right.
/clearclipboard - Clears the clipboard
//generate - Generates a shape based off of a formula given
//cyl - Creates a cylinder
//hcyl - Creates a hollow cylinder
//sphere - Creates a sphere
//hsphere - Creates a hollow sphere
//pyramid - Creates a pyramid
//hpyramid - Creates a hollow pyramid
/forestgen - Generates a forest
/pumpkins - Creates a pumpkin field
//fill - Fills a hole
//drain - Drains the nearby liquid in a specified radius
//fixwater - Levels out water given in a radius
//fixlava - Levels out lava given in a radius
/chunkinfo - Gives information about the chunk you are in
/tool - Binds a tool to whatever is in your hand
/none - Removes the tool that is placed on whatever was /tooled
/unstuck - If youre stuck, this sends you to the nearest free spot
/up - Sends you up a level
//setbiome - Sets the area that is selected to a certain biome. Adding -r to the command only applies it to the block youre standing on

Core Protect
/co i - Enables inspection of grief or removal of blocks
/co rollback - Rolls back the area based on the p:Player, t:Time, r:Radius, a:Action, b:Blocks, and e:Exclusion
/co undo - Undoes the last rollback quickly if a mistake is made
/co restore - Restore a rolled back area based on the p:Player, t:Time, r:Radius, a:Action, b:Blocks, and e:Exclusion
/co purge - Purge (Remove) old block data

I already listed that I know only minor things about Residence, so I'll need taught that.

This is pretty much all I was able to do within the time that I was on break, considering my circumstances. Another few things about me are that I'm like to party in real life, I'm a very bubbly person. I enjoy playing MMOs and FPSs as they take my satisfaction and turn it into a ball of happiness.

Thanks for your time!

Denied Staff / Analogue's Moderator Application
January 11, 2013, 09:28:13 AM
Name: Tyler-Jakkob Bürkes (Or just TJ Bürkes)

Age: 22

IGN: Analogue

Skype: tjburkes.analogue

Activity: I'm on the server a bit, can't really count how many hours. (Estimated 3) I've been on the server for around 1 1/2 months now, and play around 3 days a week.

Activity Before KCv2: I played a bit on the mDynamics server before it got screwed over and was virtually unplayable. I reached a reasonably high rank on that server for hours of play time, and was the first Minecraft server I was ever on.

Forums Knowledge: I know a good amount of BB-coded forum styles (Thanks to Hijana) and am generally very friendly on any forum.

Reputation: A handful of players even know of my existence, but they will tell you I'm a friendly person, and that I'm generally well behaved to the community.

Commands Knowledge: I know a lot about the server commands. My specialty is WorldEdit.

Others: I was brought onto this server by Hijana, as he told me how delightful this server was. I'm not disappointed yet, I can say that much! In real life, I'm a person who enjoys parties and can liven up the place. I currently work as a bike shop manager and I have a nice love life along with it. In-game, I would love to help other players out as much as I can, yet I'm just a mere Citizen, so it wouldn't matter much for me to even try to help anybody. I would really love this position, but if you don't like the application that's perfectly fine!

Texture Packs / Misa's Realism Texture Pack
December 10, 2012, 07:22:39 AM
I just wanted to share this marvel. I currently use this texture pack both on and off the server, and has some of the better looking textures, in my opinion. I really like the way the minerals look in this.

Misa's Realism Texture Pack
NOTE: MCPatcher required for this texture pack