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Topics - flykid

Denied Staff / Application for Moderator
March 14, 2013, 08:58:38 PM
In-Game name:

Skype Name:

I am 14 old boy

Launges I speak:
I speak Croatian,Bosnian,Serbian
I also speak bit of German

I've played on KaisecraftV2 for over a two months. I am playing on the server every day since I've started playing. I am managing to play everyday. I will try to play on the server as much as I have time for it.

Activity before Kaisecraft:
I played minecraft on single player and on much other servers before my friends told me about Kaisecraft. I haven't played really often in single player because it was no fun at all. After I joined the server,  I've started building with the resources I could find around. In first 2 weeks, I've got through 2 ranks, Citizen and Builder.

Old Kaisecraft:
I haven't played on old Kaisecraft. I don't have much to say about it. But my friends told me its a great server so i join in.

Activity after Kaisecraft:
I found great friends on Kaisecraft to build with and play with. I was confused while first time joining but luckily, there were much players willing to help me. Soon after I joined the server, I was building with the resources I had to get Citizen and then Builder.I am really happy that I found a server like this one, It's like only server I play on. I haven't been banned before. So far, this is one of the best servers I have played on. I have learnt almost all of the commands which I can use with moderator rank, like WorldEdit, WorldGuard. I have played on Kaisecraft for over a two months now.

Forums Knowledge:
I have played much games and I know much about forums. I can learn all things about forum I don't know in a short time since I have been on much forums  already.
I will be really much on the forum if I get moderator because there would be much of job like reporting griefers and players who break the rules. 

I think I have good reputition on the server.I have been helping to lot of players. I don't think anyone thinks anything negative about me. I have been following the rules on the server and I won't grief anything like player's houses. I have been answering questions in chat and wasn't disrespectful to other players.I believe people like me. I am not trying to get moderator to abuse power of that rank. I am applying because I love to help people and I know much about WorldEdit, WorldGuard. Once when I was a Nub Christina help me about my hause, I want be like her to help people and i sad  I am going to act more mature then I do now and I won't be childish from a time to time as I am now. If I won't get accepted, I won't act immature and won't break rules because of being mad or anything like that.

I know pretty much about WorldEdit and WorldGuard. I know almost all of the commands. I don't know commands I actually never will be using. I have been using WorldEdit in single player. I've seen some mods which weren't doing WorldGuard properly.


[spoiler]//wand <gives you a tool for WorldEditing (Wooden Axe)
//replace <block you want to replace> <block you want to put instead>
//move <how much blocks you want to move on a side> <side you want to move them on>

[spoiler]There's not much to say about this plugin.
I know how to protect using worldguard which is needed.

/region define <name>
/region addowner <name of region> <player I want to add as owner>
/region removeowner  <removes player's permission to build>
/stoplag -c

Little Reason for this Application
I am applying for rank Moderator because I love to help people. I also want to become moderator because I can spawn some of items which I can't with my current rank and I can build great looking houses with those, also because I can protect places, bust greifers and make people happy. I think I would be good moderator because I am really active and I have great knowledge of WordlEdit and WorldGuard.a People keep asking for help sometime when I am online, but there are no moderators online to help them, so I would love to help them but I can't because I don't have WorldGuard.

Additional Information About Me:
I am 14 years old boy. My nationality is Croatian. I love playing games and spending my free time on computer. I don't love school so much. Game I like the most is Minecraft. I am playing some other games, too, but only if my friends call me to play with them. I love playing shooter games but I also love playing car ones, like Need for speed World (It's a multiplayer Need for Speed). My hobby Football and Breakdance, I am pretty good at it. I have been playing Football for around ten years now and Breakdance for around two years now. I love playing handball and other sports, but my favourite is still Breakdance. I have fun spending time with my friends outside of house (yeah, I am not really that much addicted to computer). That's  mostly everything I can say about myself.

People I have met

Most of the staff:

CrimsonTornado (Red)
BlueStar5 (BlueCop)

And normal players:


Thats all from me

Denied Staff / flykid Moderator Application
February 02, 2013, 10:20:48 PM
Hello I've decided to apply for a moderator.

Martino Hrupec


Martino Hrupec

I play 2 months on server. When i play server i play like 5 hours daily.
few people alredy know me.

Activity before KCv2:
I play single player and Creative long time and i learned a lot of things.
And i play on much others servers long time.

Forums Knowledge:
I played a lot of different games and I know really much on forums.

few people alredy know me and they say that i am a pretty good.

Things I hate:
I hate grieffers and disrespectful people.

Additional Information:
I'm a 14 years old boy from Zagreb/Croatia
I know Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian/English language
I'd like to be moderator because I love to help people. I think I'd be great and active moderator.

    /res select
    /res area
    /res select chunk
    /res select expand
    /res select size
    /res select shift
    /res select vert
    /res create
    /res remove
    /res removeall
    /res subzone
    /res rename


    /lb area
    /lb tool
    /lb player
    /lb rollback (player, area, playerarea)


   /stoplag -c


And many more

That is my knowledge about LogBlock,Residence,WorldEdit and WorldGuard

Thank you for your time and I'll be very grateful if you accept me :DDD