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Topics - nichidori

Other / FEELINGS HURT (uber_duck's)
August 31, 2013, 02:41:39 PM
You guys made me feel like an unworty piece of shit for applying for mod just cause im 12 dont mean shit plus i worked my hardest to get my app like that AND i feel that there should be no restriction on age therefore u guys made me feel like a piece of shit for applying for moderator thank you very much for making me feel like a PIECE OF f**kING SHIT i will probably end up no longer playing your server bcause of the lack of help there is almost never a mod willing to help and the one that has helped me the most is my cousin so again id like to thank you all (everyone that plays on the server) for making me feel like a piece of shit. x  x
Denied Staff / uber_duck's MOD app
August 20, 2013, 02:43:23 PM
Name: Joseph Steffes

Age: 12 almost 13 (my birthday is February 19)

IGN: uber_duck

Skype: drainerboy, I am able to get on after 2 or 3 in the afternoon E.S.T (easter specific time).

Current Rank: builder

Reasons why I want to be a mod:
I would like to be a mod because I feel like even though we have so many great mods on the server as is right now, they are spread to thin during certain times on the day and some of the lower rank players on the server have a hard time receiving help that they need. I would also like to achieve MOD so i can further help people more than i already can.

Outside Of kaisecraft:
Outside of KCv2 i play no other servers.

Before Kaisecraft:
Before KCv2 i played the 1.4.7 server so KCv1.

i have learned over time by being a MOD on my uncles server.

[spoiler] /co inspect(used to figure out who placed or destroyed blocks, and at what time)
/co rollback(used to rollback a greifed build, and if i'm correct you can rollback players aswell)
(used like /co rollback u:player's IGN r:the radius that you're rollingback t:to what time you want the build rolled back to)[/spoiler]

World Edit

[spoiler]//wand(tool used for defining the area you're editing)
//set(Use this to set a defined area to a certain brick, or even air)
//pos1-2(will set position 1 or 2 to the spot you're standing on)
//hpos1-2(will set position 1 or 2 at the point you're aiming at)
//chunk(select the entire chunk you're standing in to edit, not recommended)
//replace(replaces the blocks in a selected area with a different block of your choosing)
//walls(will create walls the size of your choosing of any brick of your choosing)
//copy(Copies a selected area)
//paste(will paste a copied area/region)
//undo(will undo a recent paste or flip/ any edits recently done to the region)
//redo(will redo a recent undo int he region)
//flip(will flip a selected object/selected region)
//expand(used to expand a region up down or side to side)(//expand <count> <Direction>)
//Contract(the counter command to //expand used the same way)
//sphere(creates a sphere out of the brick of your choice also not recommended to make large sphere's)[/spoiler]
[spoiler] /res Select(used for selecting coordinates for a residence)
/res create(used to create a res after you have selected coordinates)
/res remove(removes a created residence)
/res message(creates a message for players who enter or leave the residence)
/res pset(used to set permissions within the res for other players)
/res subzone(creates a subzone within the main residence)
[spoiler] /region Define(sets an owner and Region name to a selected region)
/region addowner(Adds an owner to an already defined region so that more than a single player can have perms there)
/region list(shows a list of every region)
/region info (region name)(shows the info of a specific region)
/region Removeowner(removes an owner from the selected region)
/region flag(sets flags on the region for other players such as building)[/spoiler]

Forum Experience:
I've only been on KCv2.

My Reputation:
I'd personally say that I have a good reputation but I don't know what other people think of me i help a lot in ways that I can.

Personal Information:
I live in Cutlerville, MI. I grew up in east Grand Rapids. My school is an online school. The name of it is K12. It's a MVCA (michigan virtual charter academy). My main language is english i'm taking french as an elective in school. I as a person like to help others. I am available almost all the time on skype but i am not availabe after 10:00 pm. I won't be available after 10 pm cause that the time i goto bed for school. 8)

Times i'm on:
after 2 or 3 in the after noon until about 7:30 or 8 at night.
Builder Applications / Builder app.
August 05, 2013, 03:37:17 PM
Hey guys its uber_duck for another application but this time for builder obviously. So i want to be builder so i can help people even more and so that i can do more for myself. I guess this might not be a good reason but its the best that i have so it would be great if u think its a good enough reason.

my photos are here:

Citizen Applications / citizen application
July 17, 2013, 05:12:42 AM
Hi guys I'd like to be citizen.

I.G.N: uber_duck

Time played: Since the 1.4.7 server.
