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Topics - anrew1334

Suggestions / removal of the map mod...
August 04, 2013, 07:58:33 PM
its annoying to play survival and constantly have someone tell my coordinates because it kills the purpose of survival and its litterally cheating like tping without asking to grief so plase can you remove the map... its really annoying especially with raperv picking on me and telling my coords to the server
Name: Andrew Jarvis
IGN: Anrew1334
Skype: sweetguy504

Activity: I tend to build projects and help out around the world ive been on this server for about a year and have the donator elite rank
i tend to play on the Technic Launcher because it has fun mods to play with.

Before Kaisecraft: i played on a server called DolaCraftia i am a donator III and i played on a server in my Technic Launcher which uses icbms and power generators. I also was on 2 other servers but they died, so this was the one i joined and stayed to love.

Old Kaisecraft: i never played on the old kasiecraft. the new server was on a top 10 list in planetminecraft so i gave it a go

Activity after Kaisecraft: I joined the server after i saw it on planetminecraft and ever since i stayed on and loved it

Forums Knowledge: i dont know much about forums ill do what i see fit like ban requests, suggestions, and help out the general Bambi

Reputation: Ill help people out when needed and im good friends with some of the residents of this server. I was close to being accepted as a moderator in an old server but it closed down when they let me join the staff. I havent been banned much only when i made a mistake and kasie got me off it and i learned from it ._. so in all i have a good reputation

Misc Information:
I'm 17 years old ,I live in Katy Texas ,west of Houston. I'm great with World edit and even helped Diion with some commands to cut back the time he was doing on a project. I have a knack of building on our community and im becoming an architectural engineer. By becoming a Moderator in Kasie's server i learn how to be a good moderator were i can investigate into people problems, fix grief, do logs of stolen items and stand on the side of the innocent i will like to further more help and learn the abbilities, job, and problems of our moderators and provide assistance to anyone in need.
i have been on Kasie123's server for about a year now and i am a donator elite (anrew1334) and i will want to apply for mod to help out other players and have more access to the local (wildlife) and solve disputes, if the problem arises. this is the first time of me becoming a staff member so i will need training. my reputation is fair ive hardly been banned and im a good contributer to some servers. i am also a great builder so i can add to the world or improve where needed. it would be good to become a staff member and learn about the staff.
Archived Reports / Majior grief om my build
April 12, 2013, 07:12:09 AM
my build was griefed including several homes, grass and stone with glowstone (i repaired some but not all and i would like a total world protect also it would be nice on perm ban for grief of blocks and please perm ban them
Archived Reports / please ban Misha
March 17, 2013, 08:13:34 PM
ban misha he is griefing my build and would not leave when asked (i tried to place lava to kill him and he used godapples)
Archived Reports / I was banned for spawning walls
March 17, 2013, 06:05:05 AM
ok these walls i dont know if i did spawn them or not because all i did yesterday was create my floating city and thats all i did... also i want to know the times at these walls were spawned. i can also give you a report of what i did over the day and login and logoff times...
In my previous server anyone who could spawn items were prohibited from giving them away to other players and we should try to forbid it in areas like armor enchanting and repairs but on items like netherbrick, glowstone, grass, and other items we could allow sale but only between guests and civilians who have mined them out of the ground and have the means to get them, not by people spawning them. if people are caught spawning items to players other than themselves it should result in an temp ban or downranking both offenders. thankyou if you plan on doing this (mob spawners still should be issued because a lack of mobs in geneal/