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Builder Applications / applying for builder
June 06, 2013, 07:43:02 AM
time on server:3 months
reason:i want builder because i wanna spawn things to build my home better like glowstone signs for my chests chests and iron armour to pvp i worked hard on like the furnaces and crafting tables even the floor!!! cuz there is water on the ground thts why it was so hard for me and i really love tht home and i need to spawn ironblocks to replace the roof instead of using glowstone and i want to spawn glowstone not glowstonedust and craft em it takes long for me and my best friend tht helps me alot is loki he is the nicest person to me.
Archived Reports / Report
May 17, 2013, 06:48:07 PM
Persons Ign:wiigor
Reason:he is calling me names just because i beat him in a pvp and he is calling my family gay and sl*ts and he is calling me a noob
Evidence: i only took 1 of it
Citizen Applications / applying
May 16, 2013, 06:53:49 PM
Time On Server:1 Week
Reason:Id like to spawn some items like wood and leather and the material for building and i would love how the survival spawn looks like and id love to build a new home with wood instead of cobble and i really need to spawn them instead of wasting money to buy them and my balence is 423