
Forums are back up, but many custom plugins and theming has been lost. If I get the time, I'll try and fix it back up - Kaise123

Other:KCv2 Files are still available for download here ->

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Topics - Dimon12

Denied Staff / Apply for Moderator
April 24, 2013, 06:21:56 AM
Karlo Stimac



I play for 6 months and I was one of 15 players who were on the top white-list.Commonly I play for 2 hours each day.

Activity before Kaisecraft:
I 've played on mdynamics for around 4 months.On that server my Highest rank was (Grand-Master).

Old Kaisecraft:
My Ign was Dimon12(as now)and I played 3 months,My rank was Trader,then server KCv1 was down.
Activity after Kaisecraft:
I've moved on from KaiseCraft when it down.Then I played on AncientCraft and My rank on that server was Co-Owner(because I know use World Edit,World Guard and Residence)

Forums Knowledge:
I never have my own forum or get group on forum,but I think I can learn that...

I know lot of players,but same number of players know me.If I get this rank I will help a lot of people,and they will know how to help each other.

Additional Information:
My name is Karlo Stimac,I live in Croatia-Zagreb,Croatian is my first language.I know lot of commands,I will help everyone on this server and Share this server to my Friends.Thanks!!! :D
Denied Staff / Apply For Moderator
January 22, 2013, 06:35:36 AM

Where I live: Croatia

Age:15 years


Time on Server:I was played on KCv1 about 1 year,and 3 mounth on KCv2 :)

Activity:I usually play on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.Other days I have to learn -.-

I have lot of ideas... Thanks ;)