
Forums are back up, but many custom plugins and theming has been lost. If I get the time, I'll try and fix it back up - Kaise123

Other:KCv2 Files are still available for download here ->

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Topics - Pythonhunt

Builder Applications / Applying for Builder
June 03, 2013, 02:56:58 AM
Hello my ING: pythonhunt i love playing minecarft i live kaisecraft iv been playing on my anothere account jan00147 for like a year I wanna become a Builder becuse i realy like this server and i could protect biger plots and i wanna be an engineer so i will aplly for that after
my Mcstats: 102 and i like helping peapol
Citizen Applications / Applying for citizen
June 02, 2013, 05:58:20 AM
Hello my ING:pythonhunt iiw been playing on my anothere account jan00147
And i love playing on kaisecraft