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Messages - Hij

Citizen Applications / Re: Citizen app!
May 01, 2013, 08:03:43 PM
Blazzin, your friend has to apply by himself. I believe we've made it pretty clear to NOT post someone else's application for them.
Hope you understand.

Other / Re: When did you start Minecrafting?
April 30, 2013, 07:59:47 PM
1.0.0 Alpha.

I got my game around 10pm on the 27th, when it was considered in InfDev.

Ah, those days where it was so glitchy ^u^
Denied Staff / Re: Osama's Moderator Application
April 30, 2013, 07:55:59 PM
Regardless if you made the last one or not (which you should ALWAYS make your mod applications), you need to wait a full month, or 30 days, before you can apply again.

Next date: May 30, 2013

Other / Nondescript
April 30, 2013, 11:57:05 AM
I couldn't think of a title, oh well

There's already a music thread, but I wanna see what songs you exactly listen to! Take any media player you have songs saved on (iTunes, preferably) and shuffle them. Post the first 10 songs that come up on your list (Or 5, if you really feel like it).


1. Ernten Was Wir Säen - Die Fantastischen Vier
2. Ohne Dich - Rammstein
3. Spirit of Chaos - Aviators
4. Melody - Aviators
5. Still - Ben Folds
6. Clash - Caravan Palace
7. Heroes - Aviators
8. Descent - General Mumble
9. Song for an Earth Pony - Replacer
10. Somewhere in Neverland - All Time Low
(Adding this because I "forgot" to pause the music ^u^)
11. Rejected - Tarby
Other / Re: The new OpPalace
April 29, 2013, 11:16:31 AM
I was thinking of building sort of a castle-type structure with each room representing an admin or sr.mod. I think I might still continue that project if I can find the space for it :D
Quote from: Kaise123 on April 29, 2013, 09:02:57 AM
Quote from: LeonMundt (Gunner) on April 29, 2013, 05:22:58 AM
The new client is amazing!

May I know the songs (8 bit ones) used in the client?

PS: More than 20,000 Views!

Yeah more than 20,000!

The songs are:

1. We Didn't Start the Fire
2. Nyan Cat Theme
3. Pirates of the Caribbean theme
4. Discord (remix)

Woah woah, wait what? I gotta get this client now o.o
Other / Re: Share your YouTube channel here!
April 29, 2013, 03:56:36 AM
I'm currently uploading more videos atm, but here's my (boring) YouTube channel :P
Denied Staff / Re: Osama's moderator app
April 29, 2013, 03:26:24 AM
Sorry, but your app is faulty.

I'm denying this due to all reasons listed above, as well as a lack of maturity and being somewhat of an annoyance to the rest of the Staff

I asked Wan if he had any objections about you, since he was the one who demoted you. He said no objections, he's fine with it.

On behalf of every admin approving this, as well as me and the rest of the staff, we are giving you a second chance. Just remember to stay away from X-Ray and other mods that may lead to another demotion, or at least ask us before you install/use it.

Congratulations, you have been accepted!

Archived Reports / Re: a Unfair Play
April 29, 2013, 12:54:04 AM
David, if you're talking about how BlueSword got raided, it was by Sith. The reason you got raided was because I specifically warned members of your faction thrice about pvping...2/3 of those warnings were sent to mastergamer. Hell, there was even a sign post in your faction base about items used to PVP, and since you were peaceful, pvp was not allowed. Vzn is not responsible for your BlueSword loss.

However, I cannot depict what happened about Hamza's ordeal. Can you elaborate more on that subject?
I do support you, however I also think you should be given, maybe, a short duration of Junior Modship before going onto full-Mod to test your abilities with the rank (if you get accepted, that is).

Help & Support / Re: Read ParagonGX and other people
April 26, 2013, 07:15:51 AM
The time since the last of your 3 applications is when the one month starts. It will always remain a 1 month time frame, but take into consideration that the wait gets longer the more you apply before the one month is over. (Hope this makes sense to you)
Please apply in the designated area.

Other / Re: New PC!
April 24, 2013, 05:56:34 AM
Quote from: Kaise123 on April 23, 2013, 10:58:40 PM
Quote from: Hij on April 23, 2013, 05:07:38 AM
Computers > Laptops

Sure, laptops are easy to carry around and cheaper (most of the time), but they mainly run for information purposes, not for gaming purposes. Besides, more space can be accumulated in a computer than a laptop :3

Other than that, why on Earth is it harder for you to type on a computer? Smaller hands or...?

Not sure where you would be finding laptops that are cheaper than desktops o.O desktops are often more than 3 times cheaper than the equivalent desktop.

Meaning older laptops, not the new higher-end ones :p
More lower-grade laptops have been produced than higher-end laptops (on the computer part, most people need to pay for a brain to put one together).
Smooves, your faction is enemied with others. You might wanna try to remove the enemy status with them first ;)