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Messages - Osama

I am patient but its been a whole day since it hasnt worked for me
Introductions / Re: 8) Hey guys I am Osama 8)
November 12, 2012, 03:06:18 AM
thnx guys for remembering do we actually thank for that ............ anyways can someone tell me where to find prash i miss him
Today i was playing the server was working perfectly until it said server restarting then it just didnt come again maybe its just for me but if it is for only me then what i do and if for all what happened and when will it be normal
Archived Reports / Re: I got scammed
November 08, 2012, 01:46:51 PM
yes but he promised and said that i would go away with money if he pay first so how is it my fault he lied
Denied Staff / Re: D0n3four Mod App
November 08, 2012, 01:43:43 PM
-support- d0on3four is an awesome guy perfect for moderator he knows the commands has many friends is a old player and never uses bad language well atleast i never saw him say anything bad he is really nice and helpful to new players and he is good builder
Accepted Staff / Re: Wanyama application for moderator
November 08, 2012, 04:14:27 AM
wanyama has my support really nice awesome builder kind and helpful person -support-
Archived Reports / I got scammed
November 08, 2012, 04:10:35 AM
It happened like this i was fighting Lesab so he log out i put lava where he left because he pvp logged when he come back he die i got his stuff then he asked for his stuff back i said pay me $500 he said ok i will pay you then i give him and he didn't give me i have witnesses and screenshot the witness is Michael5017 Wanyama was also there but he didn't see end of the problem but he saw he said i will pay you
Denied Staff / Osama's Moderator Application
November 07, 2012, 02:44:47 PM
Real name:  Osama

IGN: Osama

Age: 13

GMT: +3:00

Time: About 8 months on old server and a month on this one

Skype: Lionbaita.

Time: I come online usually from 4 to 9 so 5 hours per day i am very active and I like to help people specially building. I don't build lots of houses but I help people building them

Forum: I know how to move edit lock and BB code and well all the other stuff we can know

: I am from Kaisecraft to Servercraft to Mdynamics to Kaisecraft V2 so lots of people know me very well like deadshot (ScS_Roach), Dabeast whose real name is Gorden and used to be ScS_secret is one of my best friends, kindak1 d0n3four kckilla, sharkbait etc

: My native language is not English but I study in international school so i am pretty good in English  ;)

Behavior: I am usually into helping people build giving them supplies and help and i am very against griefing that is one of the main reasons i want to be a moderator, I like answering people's question because once mine were also answered by others

Reason : I want to be a moderator to be able stop griefing spamming and using bad words and i wasn't a mod back in old server but I hope to be now
If i get declined  but I wont mind  8)

General Info / I have a suggestion :D
October 25, 2012, 03:22:54 PM
 8) I wanted to make something for the server so i thought of making like a minecraft hunger games or maybe a boat race etc so do i have perm to build events for the server i really want to make stuff that will attract people and do something for the server  ;D

                                                                                                                                                                                                              8) Sincerely  ;D
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8) Osama ;D           
General Info / Re: kai/sab/bri someone read D:
October 25, 2012, 03:17:07 PM
I don't know if i am allowed to support or say who is wrong but i believe karathori (i hope i spelled that right :P) pawos does do stuff like these in another server he used  to kill steal etc. i hated pawos i know this is not my fight but i can guarantee karathori is telling the truth i am just giving my opinion .
Introductions / Re: 8) Hey guys I am Osama 8)
October 25, 2012, 02:18:00 AM
Its good to know you guys remember me and prash is back which is totally awesome and yes how could i forgot ScS_secret
FRIENDKILLER i missed u so much and nice poem it rocks xD
Introductions / Re: Hai there. It's SHARKBAIT
October 24, 2012, 10:17:25 PM
yo sharkbait how do u do
Introductions / Re: Good Morning...?
October 24, 2012, 10:16:29 PM
good morning missed u so much doc i am super happy today all those lost friends back once again i found this site today
Introductions / Re: hellaw!
October 24, 2012, 10:13:43 PM
ScS_soap i missed u so much u do remember me right -__- i hope u do and sab i am happy to see you too i was wondering where did u go from mdynamics