
Forums are back up, but many custom plugins and theming has been lost. If I get the time, I'll try and fix it back up - Kaise123

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Messages - 1bigdog

Suggestions / Re: Ranks small change
February 06, 2014, 01:57:24 PM
That'd be cool, but adding this plugin, if after the last few years I've done my homework right, would cancel out pex... meaning.. no more ranks in general. so we could turn the pixel world purely creative, and even throw in a plot world plugin and make it a fun new addition, but the first half, I don't buy into.
[from: TheAmzaingBobert (today at 02:47:08)]
(the quote wasn't working so i just copyed it in here

Im not sure if it does or not but on melon the pex and ontime are compatible now
Suggestions / Re: Ranks small change
February 06, 2014, 01:52:30 PM
I just edited it it is more detailed now
Suggestions / Ranks small change
February 06, 2014, 01:08:45 PM
What is it im subjesting: I think to get more people on the server there should be a New outlook with some of the ranks, You know the player one not staff (Guest, Citizen, builder, Engineer)
There should be a creative world for those ranks And W:M should be with a plugin ranks that if you play for a certain amount of time you get a certain rank with there own permissions

How would this help: It will get a people want to stay on longer

What are the exta info:
New / guest  - 0 hours
Elder - 5 days (extra permissions that new / guest dont have (ex: /top, /me, etc.))
And there will be more just cant think of more

For the creative world there is a plugin for that a person can buy a plot set at a price
Plugin Links:

Plot Me:

More details:

Now what im saying is
If you play for X amount of time you get added to a new group
which gives you more access to commands but that access is limited to 5 more
then you gain access when you get instead of X amount of hours
it will be Y amount of days, That will give you access to more commands
but you will still have the Citizen, Builder, Engineer ranks for Creative mode witch is accessed in the Creative world '[W:C]', '[W:CN]', '[W:CE]' thease ranks are achived by how skilled and how much effort you put into getting the ranks

The ranks from melon which is a server that gets over 900 people is mostly from this its a way to make this server have more purpose other then just getting ranks (im not saying anything that is related to melon and the ip is 100% diffrent from 'Melon'(this is not advertiseing))
This could help allot with getting ranks, The Melon  ranks for this are
(no prefix) Defult - 0 hours of playtime - limited commands
(no prefix) builder - 5 hours of playtime - 5 more then 'defult'
[elder] elder - 5 days of playtime - 5 more then 'builder'
[legend legend - 15 days of playtime - 5 more then 'elder'
[myth] Myth - 30 days of playtime - 5 more then 'legend'

plotme details:

ok so the ' Citizen, builder, engineer' ranks still exist but...
They are earned in the Creative world
and they are the same ranks as they are in W:M
plot me is designed to allow a player to claim a plot at a certain size without a moderator haveing to go through the trobble of giveing them permission
it also makes a sign at the side of the plot giving detailed info on the ID the player who claimed it and how big it is there can be multible plots for how much it is
small: 1000
medium: 2000
Large: 3000
it also has an ability to give the owner of the plot more control over it they can allow others to build in it or not 
General Info / Re: Plugin's
February 03, 2014, 05:09:16 PM
No im making a plugin keyword being **Making** not adding like how world edit is well i can make a plugin that can do anything possible as long as its not too much for a server to handle
Help & Support / /login /register issue
February 02, 2014, 11:37:39 PM
I just got this Premium account and deregistered one of my accounts when i joined the server for the first time on this account i used /register and it said i had too many accounts for this IP so i went on one of my registered accounts and deregister it when i did i went back to xXxbigdogxXx and got this error

I cant register or login
Account ID: xXxbigdogxXx

I am still not kicked from login timeout
Other games / Re: Anyone Got a PS3
February 01, 2014, 04:53:47 PM
I have PlayStation 3 as well with an account. My username for that account is 'blackoppolice' I do have black ops 2.

Hope you all can add me, I believe my friends list might be full.
Suggestions / Re: Clear Lag Pluggin!
February 01, 2014, 04:26:18 PM
Quote from: Kaise123 on February 01, 2014, 03:08:08 PM
This wouldn't help anything, as there is no server side lag caused by entities. The server ticks as intended, at around 20. What sort of lag are you experiencing?

Im not sure what it is i have a 4GB ram computer and Im using optifine (Helps out)

My internet is fine
the server Kcv2 is the ONLY server i get lag from any and every other server is just fine
My fps (Without optifine) is 13
My fps (With Optifine) 39-45
part of it is the fact that the world does lag and refuses to load chunks sometimes
If im far from a player it helps out my fps
Block lag for me is common I get this allot
I do know that this plugin 'Clear lag' is useful because I've used it on other servers it helps boost your fp makes the server less likely to crash from World Edits helps prevent much lag
i know that the plugin is /lagg
then a prompt in the chat will say "removed [ # ] items."

This is a way to help things out and will definitely help out on much needed lag reducing.

I hope that you consider this plugin to use on the server for allot of reasons, It will certainly help me with the lag im sure mostly Everyone  will as well 

ALSO /warp mall is the most lag area if i go there i will crash
Suggestions / Re: Clear Lag Pluggin!
January 31, 2014, 01:36:46 PM
I think this will help out allot even if it does kill animals it still would help the lag issues it wont solve them but at least help them

This is a good idea! :D
A plugin on the server has caused me to die when a restart happened around 4:29 PM EST

And has cost me all my things i found a skeleton spawner around one of my warps and i hit a skeleton with my sword then i stoped cause of restart and that killed me i couldn't get back cause the /back command doesn't work anymore 6 months of hard work to get the stuff i have went down the drain, this is why i hate these don't pvp log preventer plugins

I hope to get rid of this plugin and find a way to get it back, But as Robo told me i cant get it back.
I might just give up survival completely I hoped that someone might be able to get a back up and replace them but i don't think i can get them back
If you want proof just look at the logs of the restart if in correct it should say that i died

I hope in the future to get this plugin bug fixed then maybe try it again
General Info / Plugin's
January 28, 2014, 09:36:38 AM
Im going to start making plugins, and i need to know if there's a thing that anyone wants to have but is not a plugin yet.

I can program plugins and I need Server Information so then the plugin I make doesn't make the server go crazy such as.... What version of java (Usally 6 or 7) does the server run? What are all of the plugins that are in the server? And, What version of JDK does the server run?

I can make anything that is server possible, But i don't want to cause lag so I can't run something like WorldEdit.
Any and all information of the server helps.

If you have any question or, Wanna subjest a thing then I'll be happy to add if you get enough votes on it.

Plugin making information
1. im going to use NotePad ++ / Eclipes
2. the amount of time for this may ruffly be a year
3. There will be bugs with it

I hope that when im done if you can make a board for the plugin i make for the bug reports.

BTW: JDK Means Java Development Kit
Help & Support / Forgot Password
January 27, 2014, 01:39:09 AM
When i was making a puush and pasted it in the chat i didn't realize that i display my password and that i decided to change my password  and i tryed to log back in a few minutes later and it didn't work please fix this i rushed this post cause im bussy
Other / In the development of Maps! :)
January 25, 2014, 05:42:33 PM
I just started in the works of making maps and gun loadouts for my firends game im in the creation on a Zombies gamemode im making the first map "ZombieTown"

the game requires a Unity plugin to run the game and the game is a Multiplayer game only only supports multiplayer Zombies will be a single and multiplayer co-op when Zombies is finished The game is in the early stage so it will have allot of bugs like how mc is 

I have been only working on it for about 10 minutes by the time this was posted

Don't even JanusFenix i already have permission on this

the link to play the game in your browser is here

my first map for this game ( just started )

shortened link ( )

Main Link ( )

To download

Downloading is not available yet there are still bugs with the game

Adding Zombies in 2-3 weeks
First Zombies Menu is ready
Im technically in charge of Zombies mode and my friend is in MultiPlayer

Story Mode is not getting started yet for another few weeks even through the game is working with multiplayer somethings in the game are glitchy still

Fixes with MultiPlayer

1. Player Movement Animations (Like the View blobbing in MineCraft)
2. The chat disappearing
3. the Browser closing
4. The game freezing when in chat
5. The menu not displaying background

The Zombies menu

Still making it this is just a preview

The first menu as of today

Help & Support / Re: Mail spam
January 25, 2014, 02:27:08 PM
Help & Support / Re: Mail spam
January 25, 2014, 02:25:21 PM
Jason have you ever fixed your signature.

its supose to be this
[img ][ /img]

Help & Support / Re: Mail spam
January 24, 2014, 05:42:30 PM
Because i wont remember the name for the site and the fact that i clear my history every month