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Messages - 1bigdog

Help & Support / Mail spam
January 24, 2014, 08:42:25 AM
When ever i do a command (which can be allot sometimes) I get the message "You got 7 messages! Type /mail read to view your mail. But, I already did and i don't want to clear it because i need to save those messages i know that the mail is from a plugin called "ensentials" and that it will be hard to fix the only way i see it being fixed is that a coder opens it in Notepad ++ and finds mail system and  deletes the one that says that you have mail and do /mail read to view your mail but i know that then the notification is not there but to add a var (variable) that if you login then say that you have mail but don't disrupt when doing commands later
I think that spawn is better then the new spawn
General Info / theres a KCv2 Advertisement on youtube
January 22, 2014, 04:11:28 PM
theres an Advertisement on YT about the server and in that advertisement theres this area im just wondering is that still there or did it not get transefered to 1.7 worlds?

General Info / Re: If you want to join my party
January 20, 2014, 01:23:19 PM
So what your saying is that LO:L is ok to be used but you just don't want me to sayanything back?
General Info / If you want to join my party
January 20, 2014, 09:15:24 AM
If you are someone that i wan't to talk to i will invite you to my party so you know if you did just do /party join bigdog if you don't get the invite that means i don't want you in my party, anyone that didn't get an in invite either i don't want in my party or is not online if you really wan't to be invited please reply below if i think that you will be ok to be in my party i made a party cause the "Filter" on the caps are not enabled there I want this so then i can still talk to my friends and not be muted in public chat cause i want to use LOL but i cant I will never talk in regular chat ever again starting as of today please know that im not on the forums 24/7 because of the fact that im making a website and because im on other server forums if you are a operator and you want in you do know that i will use LOL at times and that you cant say i cant otherwise because its my party and if you dont want me using it then just leave otherwise you can ask me in the chat via /msg or mail me via /mail send that's the only way i will respond to you because im not going to use the public chat this is not wrong because i make my private chat and you all can use yours or the public chat i want to use public chat but im done with the mutes for LOL im wont take them anymore i wont use public chat again this is my final decision on my chat and im NOT going to reverse it  under any punishment if at anytime i feel that you cant handle being in my party i will do /party kick

I really don't see why its that difficult to have LOL allowed in chat bobby says that he hates LOL but then idk why he uses it in the public chat wolfy uses it as well (i think i took a picture, not sure  ) if its wrong to use by me and other players then why are they useing it is it just becuase there not in the filter and they think they can say what they want in chat or what i don't really know if they think that since there ignored from the "filter" (as bobby calls it, even though its really just a plugin that does it) the other players seem to not really care that i use LOL but seeming that i get muted just cause i can't use LOL thats just, Wow, If i can't use it then i dont know what gives them permission to use it either well since i cant reason any further with the LOL this is my last way with LOL being back if you want to get rid of my party i just wont talk anymore, and i'll use a website to talk to my faction (Im already makeing one right now) i can use other sites as well

EDIT: i have the picture

Suggestions / Re: About the LOL not being allowed
January 20, 2014, 08:49:26 AM
1 it bothers you because you can't let me use it if you can't let me use it in chat i'll use it in /msg for now on im no longer chatting in public chat /msg to the person im talking to or /p for party that's what im going to do for now on and 2 you can't at least respect that that im wanting a reply from kai or zlexy or baroom not you i guess you have no respect im done with the mutes that's 1 of many reason i was about to leave the server i want to use /ignore instead but you would undo that or just bypass it with the console
Suggestions / About the LOL not being allowed
January 19, 2014, 06:15:13 PM
I want to allow the LOL again in the chat, but bobby and wolfy and bunni don't allow me to use it im done waiting to see if its back im going to make a post on the forums about this to try to bring back the LOL. i have been muted for it from bunni 20 minutes (bobby did make it shorter) but the reason i was muted was because i was asking the questions Does it offend you, Does it spam you, does it annoy you (if yes to Does it annoy you?, then why do you use it :O , sorry if that was smart) and ids (I don't see) why that's wrong to use LO:L as a substitute  but seeming that its wrong then i wont use it and if it is wrong then why does the operators use it just because they are ignored by the plugin doesn't mean they should be allowed to use it i know that the commands that operators has is allowed to punish/fix problems. but still i want this to be back or not be allowed by anyone (Even the console) I have been a little smart about this in the chat because I've been in a bad mood every since GTA Online has had its money reset I hope that this problem is solved and that LOL is allowed or LO:L is allowed but if i am denied my request for LOL to be allowed then no one use LOL or LO:L so please Only Kaise123, Zlexy, or Baroom reply to this i only want there response i hope that bobby and the other operators can at least respect that, Anyways i hope that LOL is back and the operators will stop muting me for LO:L I would ask more people that question but seeming that i was muted for it i can't, sorry, however i can provide 1 response to the question
Help & Support / Re: Server Overload Problem
January 17, 2014, 02:59:42 PM
Yes thats happening to everyone on the server
Help & Support / Server Overload Problem
January 17, 2014, 07:29:37 AM
Hi, Theres a small problem the server tends too.... um stop and kick everyone out and restarts then when we come back on every like 9 minutes or so it stops again this is a problem i want to play but it keeps kicking us out, I don't have a console so i can't confirm this but im thinking from past experiences on another server that its an Overload I hope this gets fixed i'll edit the post and upload a picture for puush when i get the kick message again

EDIT: The error message

What about my enchanted diamond armor in survival i dont have anymore due to not being able to pick it up and it despawned
also my diamond sword enchanted i got when  wolfy killed rubenthecat
Suggestions / the /fly and idloning problem
January 07, 2014, 04:17:12 PM
the /fly is a good tool too have in W:M but there's a problem with it when a person gets kicked for idoling and when they leave they fall and since /fly is not enabled they die and it says "[PvE]: (Gamertag) has found out what the ground feels like."  and i think /fly should be activated when joining

to fix the reply that will say "well then it will let them fly in W:S" not if its set to where If your in survival then it wont allow you to use /fly and will prevent you from accessing the

and the idoling its to kick others that aren't playing what if you were helping your mom/dad clean the house and it was for 10 minutes not a hour  but still over the limit of time set make it 15-20 minutes also make a feature that if you donate Your afk kick will be disabled if can be added to the VIP and Elite if i was confusing you or you have another problem just post in the replys other then that i say we should vote Yes Or No to this if the mijority of the server thinks this should be fixed then it should be fixed
btw my skype changed
Help & Support / Big server problem plugins failing
January 06, 2014, 02:32:36 AM
at 7:29 (or around that time) the server restarted when we joined back the chat got messed up curse works and caps aren't being blocked ans its saying that i cant pick up my own items

how am i suppose to get my stuff back in survival i cant even pick them up
i think  the restart caused some plugins to stop working
General Info / Im back
January 03, 2014, 08:39:02 AM
Im back as of tonight @ 7:30 (maybe that time) All I have to do Is get my pc updated to Windows 8.1 and ill be on :)
Suggestions / Re: Survival world
January 02, 2014, 02:45:16 AM
Quote from: shuff on December 02, 2013, 02:17:46 AM
Leon already made a topic about that and there was a desicion made on this.

First off sorry for 3 replys but I was just making this and the last to reply to the reply

I know but he got banned for useing God items enchanted items and things from W:M so the trust is very conflicting should we and let others get away or investagate and punish glitchers and command abusers