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Messages - TheAmazingBobert

Could you please add why you would like the rank?

Suggestions / Re: Plugin suggestion
March 09, 2014, 08:36:44 PM
I support this, because if any of you are like me.. you just throw junk into chests and such, I have chests full of unfilled cobble stacks and things of that sort, and in survival my inventory does fill up so quickly I find I just throw crap around in it xD.

Suggestions / New Pluggin Suggestion
March 08, 2014, 08:10:36 AM
I have a suggestion for the server. It is purely for fun although there will be an issue or two we'd have to sort if it's added, but the Plugin basically puts an AI into the world, This AI's Name? Herobrine. It will put a working Herobrine in the server, the AI's function is simple, Scare the living daylights out of players. I think it'd be a fun addition. Although it will conflict with survival as it does attack at random, and it would be safe in main world for this because we can probably set it's damage down. The other conflict is, it has random lightning and Explosions... So the survival world at this point is a definite no go. however it is a totally safe plugin for the mainworld, as we already have a plugin to limit explosive damage in main world, and we can more than likely disable herobrine's lightning usage if it is an issue. So there you have it. It's just a plugin meant for the fun of having it around, and of course there are more features but I've only put the ones that would conflict with survival and such, but I don't feel it'd be too much work to make it safe for our server.
Suggestions / Re: Mod suggestion
March 08, 2014, 07:57:25 AM
I believe there is a plugin for this actually, so find the plugin and retry this suggestion
Suggestions / Re: peaceful fac take soo much member
March 07, 2014, 10:07:24 AM
I just in general dislike Zenentrick, I dislike it's legacy, it's original owner, and the type of mindset that comes with the name, I spent a long time trying to destroy them, and it looks like I shall be doing it again.
Would have liked to see more information, but your build saved you
General Info / Re: Vote server up!
March 02, 2014, 07:42:18 AM
Introductions / Re: Back ┌(.-.)┐
March 01, 2014, 04:40:56 AM
haha alright, I'm not sure if you mean on your new Account or the old, we need the old accounts Rank, but I'll just make your new account citizen for now xD
Introductions / Re: Back ┌(.-.)┐
February 27, 2014, 08:04:04 AM
I believe it's you, but if you could post your rank aswell, that'd be awesome
Introductions / Re: Back ┌(.-.)┐
February 25, 2014, 07:31:35 AM
Welcome back! I never knew you but I hope we'll get along, and I hope the New world and new survival world isn't to weird or drastic a change for you.
Also if you know your old Account name I can transfer the rank from that account to the new one, after that you can rank up as far as you can go. I hope to see you in game soon.
Builder Applications / Re: Overseas's Builder Request
February 25, 2014, 07:19:57 AM
although the Video was good, all it did was show you building one single building, so that's not enough for acceptance, but I'm denying this on the pretense that you claim to have been an Admin, but unfortunately one of our senior staff who has been here since the beginning of time has told me you were never staff.

Please come back and try again, but this time use pictures and builds in the new world if you would.
Citizen Applications / Re: Alchemy's Citizen Application
February 23, 2014, 03:46:44 PM
Builder Applications / Re: Overseas's Builder Request
February 23, 2014, 05:30:08 AM
Even though you used to be an admin, and helped build you need to either put pictures, or have someone who remembers you prove that you did infact build these areas.


EDIT: As per usual, you have 5 days to edit this Application before it is denied.