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Messages - TheAmazingBobert

Citizen Applications / Re: Fursio's citizen application
January 21, 2014, 06:11:54 AM
General Info / Re: If you want to join my party
January 20, 2014, 10:46:05 AM
Bigdog.. you don't listen well, yes I use "LOL" but it's not filtered for staff for whatever reason, hell if it was I wouldn't care. I don't hate "LOL", and I don't hate "LO:L"(this is what you use). And "LO:L" is bypassing the filter I'm sorry if you don't like this, but trying to turn me into the bad guy will not work. Also we don't mute you because of "LO:L" we mute you because anytime staff says something you question it, as if the staff are all crazy or something, and when we explain to you, you become a smartass, and talk back. You don't get muted for the use of "LO:L" you get muted for your attitude towards staff when we try to do our job. It'd also be awesome if you'd get your stories straight before you talk smack about people.
Suggestions / Re: About the LOL not being allowed
January 20, 2014, 09:48:57 AM
I'd also like to add, that Requesting a specific person to reply on a thread in the suggestions board, was incredibly foolish, especially when the subject is on a Filter, kai wouldn't just act upon it, he'd more than likely just have the entire staff decide as a whole what to do, so sure you can ask them to just reply, but when you get down to it, it will be the same outcome. So the staff commenting on this has nothing to do with respect, and everything to do with what is actually going on here.
Suggestions / Re: About the LOL not being allowed
January 20, 2014, 09:41:54 AM
I don't care that you use ignore, ignore away, but be aware if you ignore staff, don't act to surprised when you don't hear something important and get wrecked because of it. Also the "LO:L" doesn't bother me really, it's your constant use of it, and the fact you Defy every staff member that bothers me. I have nothing against you, I have everything against your attitude.
Suggestions / Re: About the LOL not being allowed
January 20, 2014, 04:41:48 AM
Bunni had muted you because she had told you to stop asking the question. It's not like the "LO:L" itself bothers anyone, It's the fact that you do it because a filter on 3 capital letters has been put in place. We tell you to stop because it's bypassing the filter, and is just as bad as someone by passing the word F*ck, so as staff we're simply doing our job and telling you to stop. This would not be nearly as bad however if it weren't for we've explained our reasoning to you about a thousand times now, and this is not the first occurrence of you being muted or punished because you just either seriously don't understand, or refuse to understand, You're sick of the filter being there and I'm pretty sure most of the staff is sick of trying to explain to you why it is there, and to no avail for some reason you always seem to come back and completely forget what the reasoning was to begin with.
You seem to be confused about how the situation was handled. Level 4 Moderators and Level 5 Admins have Console access and are normally watching the server through that. Now had an of them seen the incident I don't think that said Moderator would have gotten away with it. There is also the issue that you refuse to tell us who it is, Of course they're gonna jut get away with it we've no idea who they are. I think while you were right to report it, you went about the report wrong, If you could message one of the Admins or Senior mods the name of the Moderator who has done this, and some form of evidence, the staff member will be immediatly reprimanded
Citizen Applications / Re: citizen
January 12, 2014, 10:43:59 AM

That would greatly depend on what it's being posted for. If you're posting it just to show people on the forums what've you've done, etc. You can post something from single player. If you intend to use it for an application of some sort, then in short the application will be denied, as a requirement for applications is that build must be in-game, but anywhere else it should be fine
News / Re: I have a Question
January 05, 2014, 12:37:06 PM
I have stuffed 13 stuffs in my stuffie before, I think your stuffie is just folded up or stupid if you can only stuff 6 stuffs into your stuffie
News / Re: I have a Question
January 05, 2014, 09:06:52 AM
I disagree
Accepted Staff / Re: Ciztii's Reinstatment
January 01, 2014, 08:34:28 PM
ciztii it seems most the staff would welcome you back, and I did have my doubts, as you seem goofy all the time, and I spent today thinking hard about the position I would take about this reinstatement, and I don't know what happened to get you booted from staff to begin with, but to me that doesn't particulary matter as that's not important anymore, what's important is if you can handle it. I've see alot of goofiness from you, but among the wisecracks, and odd chatter I see a person who could handle a staff position now. So I think Ciztii should be given a second chance, and that since this has been up since the 24th should be answered ASAP.

Add more info as to why you want this rank, such as what you want from it, what you'd use it for, and other specific things of this sort, also Builder rank is a little harder to achieve than citizen, you need 2-3 more builds, and they must be fairly complicated, or impressive.


you have 5 days to make the changes before this topic is locked and denied.
Suggestions / Re: Factions Section?
December 21, 2013, 12:57:22 PM
did he... just make his own "Approved" and "Locked" signs.... .-.
#105 <-- go here, and upload the image from your screen shots using "select file" and once you've done that click upload and it should allow you to paste it here, if not message me and I'll try to further help you. :D