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Messages - sahasi

Builder Applications / sahasi builder request
August 19, 2013, 07:16:59 PM
Dear people of kaise,
My IGN is Sahasi.
I would like a request for builder.
I have been playing for over 3 months.
I have built multiple constructions like my pixel art snowman, deadly redstone machines, shops, a town, enchanters room up to level 30 and more.
I have loved the kaise community since the very begining.
I would like the server to expand so i have invited a few more people to the server.
My Mcstats level is 89
My goal is to join VividKana but there is a very rare chance that there will be 5 mods online so i dont think that will happen.
I hope this is acceptable to you.
here are some of my builds:

Citizen Applications / Sahasi Citizen Request
August 15, 2013, 01:28:16 AM
Id like to be a Citizen and i have been playing for about 3 months.
i also like helping people  ;)
and i like making shops for players and redstone machines  :)
I think kaise is a really nice server and the players in it
thats why i want to be a citizen