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Messages - ADIDAS

Builder Applications / Builder Application
August 09, 2013, 11:43:45 PM
Hi,my I.G.N. is ADIDAS123 and I am Citizen for two months. Althought I wasn't online for two weeks because I got big virus on my slow computer. But in other time when I was online I was mostly helping people. I help them to build so that they can send there applications. I learned a lot from my Engineer friend. I learn how to spawn things,IDs,I learn other players something,how to use Residence etc. What I want now is to pass on higher,but more dificult rank which is Builder. I know that it is going to be harder. I know that I will need to know more IDs,but I am ready. When I would be Builder I would help people more and make bigger build where will many people live. If you want I'l be grateful if you would discuss about my request.
Thank you,and now,my pictures.