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Messages - GodzillaMC

Citizen Applications / GodzillaMC citizent request
August 23, 2013, 04:28:23 PM
dear,kaise and players in Kaise :D:);)
id like to become a citizent so i will have much more expiriance in kaiseV2
the reason id like to become a citizent is because i can go in survival and i like
being a citizent because i have a house there and i want to become a part of kaise meaning like i will remember kaiseV2 and the good players in kaise
forever and wish kaiseV2 to be a succesfull server in mc
i cant wait to expiriance new things in kaisev2 because its the first server i joined that is nice and has the nice people inside kaisev2
kaisev2 means everything to me!!!
these r my photo's of my house :D