Name: Lachlan Flynn
Skype Name: stroke_my_stem
In Game Name:FluffyNuggets169 or Otherwise known as FazeLadz
Age: 16 and 7 months
My Activity on KaiseCraft Or otherwise known as KCv2 has been highly active in the making I play on this server for 1-9 hours Weekly and 10-15 Hours on the weekend, I have been playing upwards from 1 month on this server I never really made a name for myself for a few weeks until I donated a total of $12,50 and I guess the word is Obsessed with this server it is the Most played server for me.
My Activity Before the making of KaiseCraft was mostly just short term servers Like Hypixels server and Trouble in MineVille I have also gained experience from being the owner of my own server and the following ranks on friends and Peoples server Moderator>Sr.Moderator>Jr.Administrator and finally Sr.Administrator on servers which can be related to KaiseCraft, I have also had experience with Games Like Team Fortress 2 (TF2) and Borderlands 2.
To the Sadness of me I couldn't experience KaiseCraft Before the Update to KCv2 but I would Have enjoyed to play on KCv1.
I Still Do enjoy playing Other Games When I am not on KaiseCraft But its Makes up majority of my spare time if anyone was to Message me Via Skype I would be happy to play games like TF2 With them or other games they may suggest, I work Between 20-30 hours a week so if I am not online I will be at work or most likely asleep.
I have Great Forum knowledge for the time I have served with a forum webpage I have used as a Server Administrator on Team Fortress 2 called 'Game Arena' I can move, lock, modify and of course Create I can easily Modify the Forum page if required.
These are all the commands that i can perform in game or over the Console.
World Guard:
- /region info
- /region {addowner} {regionname} {player}
- /region {addmember} {regionname} {player}
- /region define {regionname} {player}
- /region redefine {regionname} {newname}
-/region claim {regionname}
- /region define {regionname} {player}
- /region flag {regionname} {flag} {none/allow/deny}[/spoiler]
Core Protect:
- /co inspect
- /co rollback u:{user} t:{time} r:{radius} a:{action} b:{blocks} e:{exclude}
- /co restore u:{user} t:{time> r:{radius> a:{action} b:{blocks} e:{exclude}
- /res select expand {amount}
- /res select size
- /res select vert
- /res create {residencename}
- /res remove {residencename}
-/res pset {residencename} {personsname} build/pvp/spawn/fire true
//wand give you a wooden axe for first position left click for second position right click
//set {Block id} (after you place 1st and 2nd position)
//replace {originalblock} {blockyouwant}
//fix water/lava
//hsphere {BlockID} {Radius}
//sphere {BlockID} {Radius}
I Believe I have a Great Reputation from the Fellow users on the server I am known by a Few common players as the gentle Giant and i have made great friends and continue to make good friends with players on the server, I assist wherever I can and if anybody needs help with anything i am always volunteering to help fellow players where and whom I can help.
If you don't know me particularly well I am always free to be Messaged and I believe I am easy to get along with, I live in Brisbane Australia and Finished school after Grade 11 English is my First Language but understand a Reasonable amount of French and Russian, I believe I am fitting for this rank because i can communicate Easily between people can joke around and have a good time but when I need to Question people I will not hesitate i can be a Fairly good builder and will be there if u need someone,i think i would be a popular and active Moderator+ and could make the server a better place (Even More than it Currently is).
Kind Regards,
Lachlan Flynn
Skype Name: stroke_my_stem
In Game Name:FluffyNuggets169 or Otherwise known as FazeLadz
Age: 16 and 7 months
My Activity on KaiseCraft Or otherwise known as KCv2 has been highly active in the making I play on this server for 1-9 hours Weekly and 10-15 Hours on the weekend, I have been playing upwards from 1 month on this server I never really made a name for myself for a few weeks until I donated a total of $12,50 and I guess the word is Obsessed with this server it is the Most played server for me.
My Activity Before the making of KaiseCraft was mostly just short term servers Like Hypixels server and Trouble in MineVille I have also gained experience from being the owner of my own server and the following ranks on friends and Peoples server Moderator>Sr.Moderator>Jr.Administrator and finally Sr.Administrator on servers which can be related to KaiseCraft, I have also had experience with Games Like Team Fortress 2 (TF2) and Borderlands 2.
To the Sadness of me I couldn't experience KaiseCraft Before the Update to KCv2 but I would Have enjoyed to play on KCv1.
I Still Do enjoy playing Other Games When I am not on KaiseCraft But its Makes up majority of my spare time if anyone was to Message me Via Skype I would be happy to play games like TF2 With them or other games they may suggest, I work Between 20-30 hours a week so if I am not online I will be at work or most likely asleep.
I have Great Forum knowledge for the time I have served with a forum webpage I have used as a Server Administrator on Team Fortress 2 called 'Game Arena' I can move, lock, modify and of course Create I can easily Modify the Forum page if required.
These are all the commands that i can perform in game or over the Console.
World Guard:
- /region info
- /region {addowner} {regionname} {player}
- /region {addmember} {regionname} {player}
- /region define {regionname} {player}
- /region redefine {regionname} {newname}
-/region claim {regionname}
- /region define {regionname} {player}
- /region flag {regionname} {flag} {none/allow/deny}[/spoiler]
Core Protect:
- /co inspect
- /co rollback u:{user} t:{time} r:{radius} a:{action} b:{blocks} e:{exclude}
- /co restore u:{user} t:{time> r:{radius> a:{action} b:{blocks} e:{exclude}
- /res select expand {amount}
- /res select size
- /res select vert
- /res create {residencename}
- /res remove {residencename}
-/res pset {residencename} {personsname} build/pvp/spawn/fire true
//wand give you a wooden axe for first position left click for second position right click
//set {Block id} (after you place 1st and 2nd position)
//replace {originalblock} {blockyouwant}
//fix water/lava
//hsphere {BlockID} {Radius}
//sphere {BlockID} {Radius}
I Believe I have a Great Reputation from the Fellow users on the server I am known by a Few common players as the gentle Giant and i have made great friends and continue to make good friends with players on the server, I assist wherever I can and if anybody needs help with anything i am always volunteering to help fellow players where and whom I can help.
If you don't know me particularly well I am always free to be Messaged and I believe I am easy to get along with, I live in Brisbane Australia and Finished school after Grade 11 English is my First Language but understand a Reasonable amount of French and Russian, I believe I am fitting for this rank because i can communicate Easily between people can joke around and have a good time but when I need to Question people I will not hesitate i can be a Fairly good builder and will be there if u need someone,i think i would be a popular and active Moderator+ and could make the server a better place (Even More than it Currently is).
Kind Regards,
Lachlan Flynn