
Forums are back up, but many custom plugins and theming has been lost. If I get the time, I'll try and fix it back up - Kaise123

Other:KCv2 Files are still available for download here ->

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Messages - dgudovic

IGN : dgudovic
Hello my friend Revanger told me about this server and i think it is great pls add me to the whitelist :) (Stop commenting on my grammar English isnt my first Language! )
reson: I want to Apply for whitelist On KCv2.I have heard a lot of things about this server from my friend Revanger.And i really want  to play on your server becouse I want to  play with Dimon12 and Revanger and i want to meet new ppl on this srwr Please accept me bye :D
reson:Hey guys, i wanna apply for whitelist cuz i really wanna play and met new friends on server i havent played on KCv1 but i heard about it from my friend (Revanger) that it's awesome so guys please accept me cheers:)