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Messages - ecasti16

Denied Staff / Ecasti16's Moderator Application
May 29, 2013, 06:30:28 PM
Eddie Castillo

Ecasti16: Current Nickname Superman


I joined sometime in November when I found out you can download the cracked version of minecraft and found the Kaisedraft Client. I immediately downloaded the game and joined the multiplayer and I'll admit I had trouble figuring out how to login but that was because it was my first time ever playing the game. I played for for hours figuring out how everything worked aswell as offline. then I purchased the premium version of Minecraft and went crazy looking for the Kaise ip adress and rejoined. Learning so much about the game I began helping people with building and mining, sometimes even giving away some tools and resources to new players. I eventually Donated and discovered immediately all the ways I can help people. So i currently spend most of the time Helping others as well as creating a city for people to build a home.

Activity Before Kaisecraft
Unfortunately I never played any servers before Kaisecraft but kaisecraft is the reason I am addicted!!

Old Kaisecraft
Never knew about it but I wish I knew about MineCraft earlier

Forums Knowledge
I know where to find information needed when you are new or have questions. I have also gained knowledge on posting editing and locking post.

I was well known by a quite a few guest when I my self was a guest. I was mainly known for helping them out. I am now known by a few Moderators such as Smooves, Cristinasama, Skulk(Sr. Mod). I am widely know by many builders and citizens, I work with them helping them with there builds as well as grouping with them to help other players. I am the guy you find when you need help, and I gladly help although it is sometimes overwhelming, with so many players asking for help.

Additional Information
I am a quick learner and can quickly navigate myself in finding out information for other players an assisting them. I have a great knowledge in WE and basic information in LG and WG mainly because I only have access to WE, I Have read command list though and have bookmarked these command list on the web and ready to use incase there is something I do not know. I am a great person, in and out of this game. I am also currently a college student in California.

Last Thoughts
I would just really like to gain commands to help other players mainly in protection against griefers.

Thank You
Eddie Castillo
Denied Staff / Moderator Application Ecasti16
February 11, 2013, 11:44:01 AM
Eddie Castillo

Ecasti16: Current Nickname Superman


I joined sometime in November when I found out you can download the cracked version of minecraft and found the Kaisedraft Client. I immediately downloaded the game and joined the multiplayer and I'll admit I had trouble figuring out how to login but that was because it was my first time ever playing the game. I played for for hours figuring out how everything worked aswell as offline. then I purchased the premium version of Minecraft and went crazy looking for the Kaise ip adress and rejoined. Learning so much about the game I began helping people with building and mining, sometimes even giving away some tools and resources to new players. I eventually Donated and discovered immediately all the ways I can help people. So i currently spend most of the time Helping others as well as creating a city for people to build a home.

Activity Before Kaisecraft
Unfortunately I never played any servers before Kaisecraft but kaisecraft is the reason I am addicted!!

Old Kaisecraft
Never knew about it but I wish I knew about MineCraft earlier

Forums Knowledge
I know where to find information needed when you are new or have questions. I have also gained knowledge on posting editing and locking post.

I was well known by a quite a few guest when I my self was a guest. I was mainly known for helping them out. I am now known by a few Moderators such as Smooves, Cristinasama, Skulk(Sr. Mod). I am widely know by many builders and citizens, I work with them helping them with there builds as well as grouping with them to help other players. I am the guy you find when you need help, and I gladly help although it is sometimes overwhelming, with so many players asking for help.

Additional Information
I am a quick learner and can quickly navigate myself in finding out information for other players an assisting them. I have a great knowledge in WE and basic information in LG and WG mainly because I only have access to WE, I Have read command list though and have bookmarked these command list on the web and ready to use incase there is something I do not know. I am a great person, in and out of this game. I am also currently a college student in California.

Last Thoughts
I would just really like to gain commands to help other players mainly in protection against griefers.

Thank You
Eddie Castillo